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Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada Overview of the Insight Grants & Insight.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada Overview of the Insight Grants & Insight."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada Overview of the Insight Grants & Insight Development Grants Summer 2015

2 2 IG  Objectives: Funding for Research projects for both Emerging and Established ResearchersEmerging Established Researchers  Size: –3-5 years –$7,000 - $400,000  Process: –In person in Ottawa –Discipline-based committees –2 Committee readers and 2 External Assessments –1 multi-disciplinary committee per Research Group IDG  Objectives: Funding for Research in its initial stages, e.g. pilot projects.  Size: –1-2 years –$7,000 - $75,000  Process: –Videoconference –Multi-disciplinary committees –3 Committee readers and no external assessments –Emerging and Established researchers are evaluated separately (separate budget envelopes) Insight Grants vs Insight Development Grants

3 3 IG  Deadline: October 15, 2015  *check if you have an internal deadline  What’s new: –No Notice of Intent (NOI) –Overall Max reduced to $400K –Yearly max reduced to $100K –SSHRC CV is mandatory for all participants –Collaborators do not need to complete a CV –Online forms available in July IDG  Deadline: February 1, 2016  * check if you have an internal deadline  What’s new: –Applicants used the Web Portal in 2015 –Collaborators do not need to complete a CV Insight Grants Insight Development Grants

4 Multiple Applications −Researchers may not apply, as applicant, for an Insight Development Grant and an Insight Grant within the same calendar year. For instance, a researcher who applies for an Insight Development Grant in February 2014 may not apply for an Insight Grant in October 2014, whether successful in the competition or not. However, a researcher who applied for an Insight Grant in October 2014 may apply for an Insight Development Grant in February 2015, provided that the objectives of the research are different. −Researchers may apply for and hold, as applicant, only one Insight Development Grant at a time. −Please refer to SSHRC’s regulations regarding multiple applications for more information.regulations regarding multiple applications −There is no limit to the number of SSHRC applications on which a researcher may be listed as a co-applicant or collaborator. −Applicants who have received a SSHRC grant of any type but have failed to submit a final research report by the deadline specified in their Notice of Award are not eligible to apply for another SSHRC grant until they have submitted the report. final research report 4

5 5 Components of the Selection Process Insight Development GrantsInsight Grants Selection Committees Multidisciplinary and/or disciplinary Number of Readers 32 External Assessors No2

6 6 SSHRC Peer Review Process  Applications are scored on 3 criteria: Challenge, Feasibility, and Capability (see SSHRC website for the detailed evaluation criteria)website  Applications in the bottom 30%(IDG) or 35% (IG) of preliminary ranking are not discussed at the adjudication stage unless flagged  External assessments (IG only)  Committee members are encouraged to make budget reductions, when appropriate and necessary  Conflicts of Interest: Committee members and external assessors who find themselves in conflict with the applicant(s) will not be asked to assess the application.

7 7 Why don’t applications succeed? Based on 2014 IG and IDG data:  The Capability Criterion was the strongest across all committees  The lowest averages were in: “Appropriateness of methods/approach” (Challenge); “Appropriateness of the theoretical approach” (Challenge); “Budget Justification” (Feasibility)

8 8 IG and IDG: Helpful Hints  Apply to the right program  Have your application edited and proofread  Do not skip the “Suggested Referees” page (IG only, see next slide)  Keep your budget lean – if the committee judges the budget to be inflated, it can impact your score in Feasibility (30% rule)  Justify the details of your budget clearly  Provide a clear timeline  Write your proposal with a non-specialist audience in mind (esp. IDG since committees are multidisciplinary)  Avoid heavy use of jargon and define terms  Clearly link the methods with the objectives

9 9 Insight Grants: External Assessments  Suggested External Assessors (IG only): Don’t leave this section blank Don’t include anyone with whom you have a conflict of interest SSHRC only uses ONE of these suggested assessors Include experts in the field that could provide a detailed and comprehensive assessment of the methods and approach If re-applying, consider including new names Adjudication committees assess the tenor of assessment (over-the- top glowing or harsh assessments are disregarded) In the 2014 IG competition: 12,578 researchers were contacted; 34% agreed and submitted assessments

10 10 Statistics Funding Opportunity Number of applications Average requested Number of successful applications Average awarded Awarded amount Insight Grants (2014-2015) 2,144$205,846494$198,644 $98,130,302 Insight Development Grants (2014-2015) 1,128$59,064285$60,981$17,408,342

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