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Introduction  Reserved Powers Court Legislature Constitution.

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2 Introduction  Reserved Powers Court Legislature Constitution

3 The States  Acted as nations  Articles of Confederation  Constitutional Convention Federal system

4 Division of Power  Powers divided between states and federal govt  States gave up: Postal service Navy

5 Reserved State Powers  10 th Amendment ○ Govern their own residents  Conduct elections  Establish and maintain schools  Marriage and divorce laws  Traffic, health, safety, welfare  Control over local governments City, towns, townships and counties

6 Concurrent Powers  Shared powers with the federal government  Taxation

7 From 13 States to 50 States  Territory- apply for admission ○ 1787—Northwest Ordinance If accepted, must write a state constitution Congress votes on the acceptance of the territory 50 th State—Hawaii— 1959 Territories—Panama Canal Zone, Samoa, US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico

8 State Constitutions  Each has own constitution Preamble Bill of Rights Organization of govt Elections Managing state affairs Amending

9 States Working Together  Article 4, Section 1—”full faith and credit shall be given in each stated to public acts, record, and judicial proceedings of every other state” Full Faith and credit clause—ensures that each state will accept the decisions of courts in other states ○ Land grants ○ Marriage ○ Extradition—returning fugitives

10 The States and the Federal Governments  Article 4, Section 4— ”The US shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government” Every state has to adopt a republican form of government

11 States and the Federal Government  “protect against invasion” military forces to defend against attack  “domestic violence” rioting in a town  Shared cost: highways assist jobless workers help the needy conserve natural resources

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