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FATS. Fat Fanny 9 Fat Fanny 9 is a friend of Carbo Cal 4 She provides 9 calories for every gram of fat. She provides you with twice as much energy as.

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Presentation on theme: "FATS. Fat Fanny 9 Fat Fanny 9 is a friend of Carbo Cal 4 She provides 9 calories for every gram of fat. She provides you with twice as much energy as."— Presentation transcript:


2 Fat Fanny 9 Fat Fanny 9 is a friend of Carbo Cal 4 She provides 9 calories for every gram of fat. She provides you with twice as much energy as Carbo Cal or Peter Protein. She is very handy and can do a lot of things like…

3 FUNCTIONS OF FAT FANNY 9… Supplies energy Insulates Protects internal organs Carries fat soluble vitamins Is stored for hunger Satiety (tastes good and satisfies)

4 She is, however, a rather complicated person. Let’s see if we can get to know her better.

5 What are all these things? Section 1 Fatty acids (Fats and Oils) Saturated Unsaturated Polyunsaturated Monounsaturated Section 2 Cholesterol High density lipoprotein HDL Low density lipoprotein LDL Section 3 How do they work together?

6 Section 1 - KINDS OF FATTYACIDS Saturated Unsaturated ( mono and poly)

7 S olid at room temperature All the H molecules are used Come from animal sources – also coconut and palm oils Come from meats, milk, butter, lard, other animal products Worst kind of fat for cholesterol S ATURATED FATS…

8 UNSATURATED FATS … Poly unsaturated Many H molecules are unbonded Liquid at room temperature Corn, soybean, safflower oil Better for cholesterol than saturated fat Mono unsaturated Only 1 H molecule is unbonded Liquid at room temperature Olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil, fish oils Best for controlling cholesterol

9 Section 2 -CHOLESTEROL… Definition – a waxy, fatty like substance that surrounds the cells in the body and is essential for many bodily functions, including the nervous system. It is found in animal tissue but never in plants Your liver manufactures all the cholesterol you need. There are two different types of cholesterol:

10 TYPES OF CHOLESTEROL… HDL – Good cholesterol. It moves quickly throughout the body and helps to remove the bad cholesterol. We want a high HDL reading. LDL – Bad cholesterol. It moves slowly throughout the body. Excess settles in the blood vessel walls and produces plaque. We want a low LDL reading.

11 DISEASES… Heart disease, high blood pressure and obesity are linked to high levels of LDL.


13 Section 3 – WORKING TOGETHER Your body uses fats to produce the cholesterol. Different kinds of fats affect the different kinds of cholesterol.

14 How it works…(Cholesterol) Sat.Polyun.Monoun. LDL HDL Lous y Bo o! Yucky Yeah Healthy Yippee


16 Cut down on saturated fats Increase aerobic exercise How can I control my cholesterol?

17 Recommendations to remember… 30% or less of the calories you eat each day should come from fats. (10% from saturated and 20% from unsaturated.) For a 2000 calorie diet that would be app. 66 grams Only 300 mg. or less of cholesterol should be eaten each day

18 Fats in Fast Foods

19 Reducing Fat Intake


21 Putting It All Together… Fats SaturatedUnsaturated PolyMono Worst Better Best

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