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U NIFORM AND N ON - UNIFORM M OTION Textbook: pg 211 - 212.

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1 U NIFORM AND N ON - UNIFORM M OTION Textbook: pg 211 - 212

2 M OTION What is it? The change of an object’s location during a period of time Often caused by applied force Types of Motion One dimensional: drop an object, it falls vertically Two dimensional: Throwing a rock across the pond, it falls vertically and it moves horizontally Circular: planetary orbits

3 U NIFORM M OTION Motion in which the object’s displacement is equal for each time interval Rare to find real examples ** Examples: Hockey puck sliding over a long, flat sheet of ice Billiard ball rolling along surface *little to no friction between the object and the surface it moves on is beneficial for uniform motion, however most contact results with some frictional force that causes the object to slow or stop.

4 U NIFORM M OTION : G RAPHING Represented using a Position vs. Time Graph Position of object is on the y-axis, the time is on the x-axis Line of best fit: When uniform motion exists, this line is a straight line (or smooth curve) that closely resembles the general shape of the data points. It often connects the dots on the graph

5 U NIFORM M OTION : G RAPHING Note that the bus travels the same distance in each half hour interval; therefore it is moving in uniform motion

6 N ON -U NIFORM M OTION Non-uniform motion is when an object’s displacement is not equal for each time interval More common to real-world experiences Examples: Car in traffic (car stops, starts, moves slow and fast) Sports games

7 N ON -U NIFORM M OTION : G RAPHING Represented using a Position vs. Time Graph Position of object is on the y-axis, the time is on the x-axis Line of best fit: When non-uniform motion exists, it is impossible to draw this line through all the points on the graph

8 N ON -U NIFORM M OTION : G RAPHING Note that the data points are scattered over the graph, and that the line of best fit follows the general shape of the points (hitting a few along the way)

9 A CTIVITY : U NIFORM M OTION VS. N ON -U NIFORM M OTION Video Clips Take out a piece of blank paper For each clip, watch the specified character and describe their motion (are they standing still, moving forward/backwards, running, etc). Record every change in movement In the end, based on what you observed, do you think the movement is uniform or non-uniform

10 Uniform vs. non-Uniform Activity Finding Nemo Clip: 0:12 - 0:19 : Watch the Turtles 0:20 - 0:23: Watch the Fish 0:24 - 0:44 : Watch the turtles Fast and the Furious Clip: For both the of the following clips, describe the motion of the cars in the scene 0:00 - 0:12 0:33 - 2:22 Big Bang Theory Clip: 7:05 - 7:20: Watch Penny and Sheldon 9:10 - 9:17: Domino's falling 9:10 – 9:17: Sheldon’s movement

11 A NALYZING SLOPES niformAccelerationVelocityTimeGraphs1.xml

12 A NALYZING SLOPES Complete activity 5-1D on page. You may work with a partner if you want to. When you are finished, please get the handout from the front and work on it. Complete for homework if not done in class. Tomorrow we will have an in class assignment on distance, displacement, adding vectors, time intervals, uniform motion, and non-uniform motion. It will be individual, but you will be allowed to use your notes and textbook to help. There will be a time limit, such as 35 minutes.

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