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Presentation on theme: "Stoichiometry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stoichiometry

2 Example Problem How many moles of silver can be produced by the reaction of 0.500mol of copper with silver nitrate if copper(II) nitrate is also produced?

3 Example Problem How many moles of oxygen are necessary to react with 0.450mol of iron to form iron(III) oxide?

4 Example Problem How many moles of carbon dioxide gas can be produced by the decomposition of 0.100mol of iron(III) carbonate?

5 Practice Problem How many moles of sodium phosphate are needed to completely react with 0.400mol copper(II) chloride?

6 Practice Problem How many moles of zinc are needed to completely react with 0.300mol hydrochloric acid?

7 Practice Problem How many moles of potassium chlorate are needed to generate 0.150mol oxygen gas?

8 Mass-Mass Relationships

9 Example Problem What mass of aluminum oxide can be produced by the reaction of 8.95g of aluminum with excess oxygen?

10 Example Problem What mass of water can be produced by the decomposition of 2.50g of iron(III) hydroxide?

11 Example Problem What mass of propane (C3H8) can be burned in 6.60g oxygen?

12 Practice Problem What mass of copper(II) oxide will remain after heating 5.50g copper(II) carbonate to decomposition?

13 Practice Problem What mass of oxygen is required to completely oxidize 4.50g of aluminum metal?

14 Practice Problem What mass of hydrogen can be produced by the reaction of 10.0g of sodium with water?

15 Solution Volume Relationships

16 Example Problem What volume of 6.0M hydrochloric acid is required to completely react with 500.0mL of M barium hydroxide?

17 Example Problem A 12.12mL portion of hydrochloric acid is used to titrate 0.512g of sodium hydrogen carbonate. What is the molarity of the hydrochloric acid solution?

18 Example Problem What volume of 0.105M NaOH is required to completely react with 1.00g of citric acis, H3C6H5O7?

19 Example Problem 10.0mL of 0.150M oxalic acid solution, H2C2O4 was titrated with 23.49mL of NaOH. What was the concentration of NaOH used in the titration??

20 Gas Volume Relationships

21 Gas Volumes Gas volumes vary tremendously based on: Pressure
Temperature Amount of gas

22 Gasses To keep things simple: Standard Pressure = 1 atmosphere (1 atm)
Standard Temperature = 0°C STP = Standard Temperature and Pressure

23 Example What volume of oxygen gas is required to completely burn 1.0L of propane gas (C3H8) at STP?

24 Example What volume of oxygen gas can be produced at STP by the decomposition of 3.00g of potassium chlorate?

25 Practice What mass of sodium hydroxide is needed to completely react with 2.00L of carbon dioxide if sodium hydrogen carbonate is formed?

26 Practice What volume of hydrogen gas is produced when 22.5mL of 1.50M hydrochloric acid reacts with excess calcium?

27 Limiting Reagent Practice

28 Practice 2.00g of magnesium ribbon is added to a 4.0L container of oxygen at STP. How many grams of magnesium oxide can be produced?

29 Practice A 1.25g piece of aluminum was added to 50.0mL of copper(II) nitrate solution. How many grams of copper can be produced?

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