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Airplanes By : Hebron Yam,Justin Minucci. How do airplane work? Problem???

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1 Airplanes By : Hebron Yam,Justin Minucci

2 How do airplane work? Problem???

3 Hypothesis Our hypothesis is that the plane flies because of the way the plane is designed and how much force the engines puts out to move the plane.

4 Parts of the airplane All planes have wings. The wings have smooth surfaces. There is a curve to the wing which helps push the air over the top more faster than it goes under the wing. As the wing move,the air flowing over the top has more to go and it moves faster than the air underneath the wing. So the air pressure below the wing is more than below it. This produces the upward lift. The shape of the wings determines the speed go. Wing are also called airfoils. The main part of the plane is called the fuselage. It is similar to a long tube shape. The wheel of a plane are called the landing gear. There are two wheels on either side of the plane fuselage. Then there is one wheel near the front of the plane. The brakes for the wheels are similar to the brake for cars. They are operated by pedals, one for each wheel. Most landing gear can be concealed into the fuselage during the flight and opened for landing.

5 Parts of the airplane The hinged control surfaces are used to turn and control the airplane. The flap and ailerons are attached tot the backside of the wing. The flaps move back and down to increase the surface of wing area. They also tilt down to increase the curve of the wing. The slats move out from the front of the wings to make the wing space greater. This helps to increase the lifting force of the wing at lower speed like takeoff and landing. The ailerons are hinged on the wing and move downward to push the air down and make the wing tilt up. This moves the plane to the side and helps it turn during flight. After landing, the spoilers are used like air brakes to reduce any remaining life and slow down the airplane.

6 Parts of the airplane The tail at the rear of the plane provides balance. The fin is the vertical part of the tail. The rudder at the back of the airplane moves left and right to control the left or right movement of the plane. The elevators are found at the back of the plane. They can be raised or lowered to change the direction of the plane’s nose. The plane will go up or down depending on the direction of that the elevators are moved. All jet engines work on the same principle. The engines fan will suck all the air from the front. The pressure of the air will be raised by the compressor. The compressor is made up of fans with many blades and attached to a shaft. The compressed air is then sprayed with fuel and an eclectic spark lights the mixture. The burning gases expand and blast out through the nozzle which is at the back of that engine. As the jets of gas shoot backward, the engine and the aircraft are thrust forward.

7 We had been to the airport and we saw that most of the airplanes turned on their engines on, then they changed the position of the flaps and then they pulled up to the runway put it onto full speed then took off. Results

8 Conclusion In order for any airplane to fly, you must lift the weight of the airplane. It includes itself, the fuel, the passengers, and the cargo. The jet engines which are located beneath the wings, provide the thrust to push the airplane forward through the air. But some airplanes still use propellers for the propulsion system instead of jets.

9 Bibliography /fuselage.htm /wings.htm /ailerons.htm /engines.htm

10 THE END Please fasten your seat belt!! We are now departing!

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