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Bermuda. The Bermuda Triangle is a very real place where dozen of ships, planes and people have disappeared with no good explanation. The Bermuda Triangle.

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Presentation on theme: "Bermuda. The Bermuda Triangle is a very real place where dozen of ships, planes and people have disappeared with no good explanation. The Bermuda Triangle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bermuda

2 The Bermuda Triangle is a very real place where dozen of ships, planes and people have disappeared with no good explanation. The Bermuda Triangle covers roughly 500,000 square miles in the Atlantic Ocean.

3 The U.S. Navy Avengers Flight 19 disappeared in the vicinity of the Bermuda Triangle. The flight path of the doomed Flight 19.

4 Many U.S. military planes disappeared in the vicinity of the Bermuda Triangle. Commercial flight NC-16002 also disappeared in the Triangle vicinity.

5 This is all that remained of the S.S. Supher Queen.

6 Many books try to explain the happenings inside the Bermuda Triangle.

7 Summarize Worksheet “A” 1-6 Read worksheet “A” 1-6 on the Bermuda Triangle, use the graphic organizer to summarize 1-6. We will discuss your reaction(s) to the worksheet “A”. Support your reaction with supporting details directly from text when discussing with partners. Now summarize in at least 4-5 complete sentences in the large circle on the graphic organizer. Each of you retell to partner.

8 Worksheet “A” 1-6: I’ve become skeptical of this article because: The author says that 100 ships go down in the triangle each year, but doesn’t tell say the # of ships that travel the area/year, or compare the # of sinkings in other parts of the ocean In paragraph 5 the author uses the “leading question” technique, hinting that pilot Cosner had a premonition of doom and chose not to fly-- read this part again …. maybe the pilot just had the flu?? The author suggests the Navy is covering something up but does not support his/her theory-- perhaps the Navy hasn’t bothered to deny his theory because it’s so ridiculous?

9 Other Red Flags: “….about one hundred ships and many airplanes” “It is common knowledge among commercial pilots…” As you read 1-6 and summarize, What other details bring up red flags for you?

10 Next: Read the “relevant information” sheet on the back of worksheet “A” Use the PROP method for finding relevant information 1-18. There are 7 good pieces of evidence, your job is to find each of the 7. Underline the Then we will go through the PROP method on a chart. EX #9: P- Primary observers say debris found with serial numbers of the KC-135 jet tankers… R- No reason to lie, serial numbers on KC-135 jet tankers O- Both the jet tankers with serial numbers, more than one observer (observers say) P- public knowledge by observers of debris

11 Format for a Power Paragraph (PP) 8 sentences and No Personal Pronouns!!! Claim (Your stance/answer + a because statement) Evidence (cited/referenced directly supports a reason in claim) Analysis (how evidence proves claim) Analysis/Opinion (further proof) Evidence (cited/referenced directly supports a reason in claim) Analysis (how evidence proves claim) Analysis/Opinion (further proof) Closing sentence (re-states claim in a different way wraps up the so what now? “Call to Action”)

12 Power Paragraph Rubric Name__________________ period______ Claim/main idea____/4 Evidence X2____/4 Analysis x4____/4 Lang/vocab ____/4 Style/organization____/4 Final (following format) ____/20 pts.

13 Best Evidence format Claim, Evidence, Analysis using power paragraph Clearly, the best piece of evidence is #9, an example was debris found in one spot in the ocean because the found artifact explains the possibility of a wreckage and the area of the triangle is dangerous. First, there were serial numbers from the jet tankers found. Serial numbers can be traced. These numbers validate a plane went down in the Bermuda triangle. Secondly, observers saw two planes collide in the air. The people who saw were witnesses to the crash site and have no reason to exaggerate for fame and fortune. Individuals who saw the jets go down must have been horrified. In conclusion, artifacts that were found with serial numbers and people who saw with their own eyes the jets crash show that the Bermuda Triangle is a mysterious place and may not be worth planes or boats traveling through the area.

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