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MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE Every student wants to feel smart and accomplished, yet many struggle to gain mastery in an academic setting. Developmental psychologist.

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Presentation on theme: "MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE Every student wants to feel smart and accomplished, yet many struggle to gain mastery in an academic setting. Developmental psychologist."— Presentation transcript:


2 MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE Every student wants to feel smart and accomplished, yet many struggle to gain mastery in an academic setting. Developmental psychologist Dr. Howard Gardner’s groundbreaking theory of multiple intelligences explains how it is possible for students of varying skills to feel talented and successful.

3 MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE Learning more about MI types can help you appreciate your unique capacities for learning and to recognize how your MI strengths can contribute to success in school and the workplace.

4 What are MIs? Different ways to demonstrate intellectual ability Different ways to demonstrate intellectual ability The traditional notion of intelligence, based on I.Q. testing, is far too limited The traditional notion of intelligence, based on I.Q. testing, is far too limited Many adults find themselves in jobs that do not make optimal use of their most highly developed intelligences Many adults find themselves in jobs that do not make optimal use of their most highly developed intelligences Encompass the wide variety of abilities humans display Encompass the wide variety of abilities humans display

5 QUESTIONS FOR THOUGHT Why would it be important to understand multiple intelligence before going to college? Why would it be important to understand multiple intelligence before going to college? Why would it be important to understand multiple intelligence before starting your career? Why would it be important to understand multiple intelligence before starting your career? Should our life depict our Multiple Intelligence? Should our life depict our Multiple Intelligence?

6 LINGUISTIC Definition Definition – Refers to an individual's capacity to use language effectively as a means of expression and communication through the written or spoken word Jobs Jobs – Writer and Comedian

7 LOGICAL - MATHEMATICAL Definition Definition – Refers to an individual's ability to recognize relationships and patterns between concepts and things, to think logically, to calculate numbers, and to solve problems scientifically and systematically Jobs Jobs – Lawyers and Scientists

8 VISUAL - SPATIAL Definition Definition – Refers to the capability to think in images and orient oneself spatially. In addition, spatially intelligent people are able to graphically represent their visual and spatial ideas Jobs Jobs – Architect and Pilot

9 MUSICAL Definition Definition – Refers to the capacity to appreciate a variety of musical forms as well as being able to use music as a vehicle of expression. Musically intelligent people are perceptive to elements of rhythm, melody, and pitch Jobs Jobs – Singer and Music Producer

10 BODILY-KINESTHETIC Definition Definition – Refers to the capacity of using one's own body skillfully as a means of expression or to work with one's body to create or manipulate objects Jobs Jobs – Gym Teachers and Athletes

11 INTERPERSONAL Definition Definition – Refers to the capacity to appropriately and effectively communicate with and respond to other people. The ability to work cooperatively with others and understand their feelings Jobs Jobs – Teachers and Politicians

12 INTRAPERSONAL Definition Definition – Refers to the capacity to accurately know one's self, including knowledge of one's own strengths, motivations, goals, and feelings. To be capable of self-reflection and to be introverted and contemplative are also traits held by persons with Intrapersonal intelligence Jobs Jobs – Entrepreneurs and Therapists

13 NATURALIST Definition Definition – Refers to the ability to identify and classify the components that make up our environment. This intelligence would have been especially apt during the evolution of the human race in individuals who served as hunters, gatherers, and farmers Jobs Jobs – Farmers and Hunters

14 TASK 1 Visit Visit – Click on Free learning styles inventory test – Go to New Users: Start the free online learning styles inventory – Take the test ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS!!!!! ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS!!!!! – Fill in your information to get your results – Click on Full Screen (Print) and print your results

15 TASK 2 Get your results Get your results Reflect on them Reflect on them Detach Reflection sheet and staple to results Detach Reflection sheet and staple to results Turn in Turn in

16 ASSIGNMENT You will be creating a poster that depicts your personal learning style You will be creating a poster that depicts your personal learning style – Follow all directions – You can use the web site or my PowerPoint to obtain information

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