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From Scratch: Open CCS Exit and restart CCS Click Browse to create a new workspace directory.

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Presentation on theme: "From Scratch: Open CCS Exit and restart CCS Click Browse to create a new workspace directory."— Presentation transcript:

1 From Scratch: Open CCS Exit and restart CCS Click Browse to create a new workspace directory

2 From Scratch: Create a new directory Navigate to StellarisWare\Boards “Make a New Folder” for your board –Even if using a Stellaris board this keeps the StellarisWare folder pristine for later reference. –Keeping this new folder in StellarisWare\boards preserves relative path for easier cut\paste After creating the new folder make sure the dialog is referencing the folder you created. Click OK

3 From Scratch: Workspace Launcher We now are pointing to our new workspace folder. When you click OK, CCS looks if a workspace is already there. If not it creates some workspace files for us.

4 From Scratch: CCS Welcome Screen If the workspace was empty you will see the black screen below –Click cube at top right to proceed to workspace The next time you open any workspace CCS will remember the workspace state and restore it.

5 From Scratch: Import Driverlib You should now have an empty workspace… Now we set up as we did in Quickstart… Select Project -> Import Existing…

6 From Scratch: Import Driverlib

7 From Scratch: Import DriverLib Root directory StellarisWare\driverlib –Project driverlib Repeat for StellarisWare\usblib –Not Required for Today’s Training Repeat for StellarisWare\grlib –Not Required for Today’s Training Do not check copy projects into workspace

8 From Scratch: Create New Project Select File->New->CCS Project

9 From Scratch: Create New Project Provide a project name Default location is good –CCS will create a project directory within the workspace directory Click Next

10 From Scratch: Create New Project Select CCS ARM tool chain. Note: Same CCS installation also supports MSP430 and C2000 Must get either the eval kit edition or the full edition of CCS –Code size limited versions do not work with Stellaris Click Next

11 From Scratch: Create New Project Select driverlib to show that the new project will reference that project. Click Next to proceed to project settings dialog

12 From Scratch: Create New Project Be sure to select Cortex M and the appropriate Stellaris device from the drop downs Then click finish Other options should be left as default

13 From Scratch: Add new source files Click File->New->Source File

14 From Scratch: Add New Source Files Keep the new source file in the default folder and provide a name. –This associates the new file with the active project The first file is the startup code. Typical filename in StellarisWare is startup_ccs.c Click Finish Repeat previous steps to add another new source file called blinky_real.c StellarisWare convention is that.c file with same name as the project contains main function –blinky_real.c

15 From Scratch: Add New Source Files Workspace now contains two projects –driverlib: Stellarisware –blinky_real: our empty project with empty source files

16 From Scratch: Open Reference Files File->Open File… Navigate to StellarisWare\boards\ek- lm3s9b90 Use CTRL+click to select blinky.c and startup_ccs.c Click Open to finish opening the files.

17 From Scratch: Copy Reference Files Copy and Paste all of blinky.c –CTRL+A, CTRL+C, move focus to blinky_real.c, CTRL+V Copy and Paste ALL of startup_ccs. Alternately can copy the files to the new project directory, then right click on the project name in CCS and select “Add files to project” Once the copy and paste is complete close the reference files that are not a part of the new project Save the files that have just been modified and are part of the new project

18 From Scratch: Target Configuration Select Target->New Target Configuration – CCS has our source but now we must tell it how to talk to our chip.

19 From Scratch: Target Configuration Name the new configuration “target_config.ccxml”

20 Target Configuration Select “Stellaris In-Circuit Debug Interface” and “Stellaris LM3S9B90” Click Save Button

21 From Scratch: Project Properties Click “Project” then ”Properties”

22 From Scratch: Project Properties Tool Settings->TMS470 Compiler->predefined symbols By default should have ‘ccs’ and ‘PART_LM3S9B90’ listed as predefined symbols For Tempest class devices such as the 9000 series add “TARGET_IS_TEMPEST_RB1” Tempest C3 also requires CCS Debugger DLL update. –Not required for eval kits currently using B1 silicon

23 Tool Settings->TMS470 Compiler->Include Options Add these include paths… –${PROJECT_ROOT}/.. –${PROJECT_ROOT}/../../.. From Scratch: Project Properties

24 Tool Settings->TMS470 Linker->File Search Path Add include library “${PROJECT_ROOT}/../../../driverlib/ccs/Debug/driverlib.lib”

25 From Scratch: Project Properties Select “Build Steps” Tab Add a Post-Build step to convert CCS output to binary for use by LMFlashProgrammer Copy/Paste from relevant example project (multiple CCS windows may be open at once) Click Apply Then OK. This makes permanent all the previous changes "${CCE_INSTALL_ROOT}/utils/tiobj2bin/tiobj2bin.bat“ "${BuildArtifactFileName}“ "${BuildArtifactFileBaseName}.bin" "${CG_TOOL_ROOT}/bin/ofd470.exe” "${CG_TOOL_ROOT}/bin/hex470.exe" "${CCE_INSTALL_ROOT}/utils/tiobj2bin/mkhex4bin.exe"

26 From Scratch: Build Project You should now have a complete new project that compiles cleanly

27 From Scratch: Debug Project Your new “from scratch” project should now debug and run just like the example project we started with in the previous workspace.

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