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Directions You should share two tracks snapped together with another group. Always set cart down upside down when not in use Motion sensor should be on.

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Presentation on theme: "Directions You should share two tracks snapped together with another group. Always set cart down upside down when not in use Motion sensor should be on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Directions You should share two tracks snapped together with another group. Always set cart down upside down when not in use Motion sensor should be on the top of the ramp, don’t let the car run off the track Connect the motion sensor then select activity “03 velocityCF.ds” Collect data of car moving down ramp, make sure that the data you collect seems good, data that you would expect to get.

2 What you need to turn in Copy of your position vs. time lab labeled as described on following slide Print out of your position vs. time graph after you have straightened it(use worksheet we used to straighten lines). Write relationship between position and time. Copy of velocity vs. time graph. Use this graph (straight line) to derive the relationship between velocity and time. You need to write an equation.

3 What you need to turn in Print out of your displacement vs. time graph, (no data table) – Label where you let go, label where you stopped the cart – Using Graphical Methods-Summary wkst, determine how to turn your data into a straight line – Highlight the “good data” in the displays pane on the left of the screen, drag “table” and drop it onto “run 1” you should get the data. Use this data to create a straightened graph. Use Datastudio (unplug sensors, save your data, restart data studio and pick enter data) or Excel to determine the relationship between position and time. You will need to use your data and your Graphical Methods-Summary wkst., to find this relationship. You should use k as the constant that represents slope (this equation is not as simple as it may seem). Write this relationship on your graph. Use the velocity vs. time graph to determine the equation that characterizes the motion of your cart with regards to velocity vs. time. (Find the equation like we have been doing)

4 What you need to turn in You can cut and paste your data from Data studio to Excel by highlighting the good data, then dragging your “run” and dropping it on table. In Excel, to manipulate the data, click on the first cell you want to put the new manipulated data Go to the function bar on top and place the curser in it, press =, then select all the data you want to manipulate, it will show up in the function box, then type in the manipulation, use ^ to raise something to a power. Then go to cell to you want the new manipulated data to start at. On the lower right corner grab the highlighted box and drag it down the number of cells equal to the number of your original “raw” data. Your new values should appear. You can then cut and paste your other X or Y data in and create a new straightened graph

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