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EdBlog for NSS Chemistry Raymond WH FONG Science Education Section 2009 May 26.

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Presentation on theme: "EdBlog for NSS Chemistry Raymond WH FONG Science Education Section 2009 May 26."— Presentation transcript:

1 EdBlog for NSS Chemistry Raymond WH FONG Science Education Section 2009 May 26

2 Programme Experience sharing of using HKEdCity’s Edblog in the learning and teaching of Chemistry and Science.  Ms YY LAI, Assembly of God Hebron Secondary School Exemplars of Application of Edblog in the learning and teaching of Chemistry and practical operation  Mr Tony CHIM and Mr Sunny LUI, Hong Kong Education City Limited Chemistry Teachers Professional Development and Resource Sharing Platform  Mr Raymond FONG, Science Education Section, CDI Open Discussion

3 EdBlog for NSS Chemistry

4 Purposes of EdBlog for NSS Chemistry As a repository for Ts to search for NSS resources As a platform for Ts to share ideas and practices Provide opportunity for Ts to understand how to use EdBlog for L&T As a catalyst for Ts to make use of EdBlog for enhancing students’ learning (i.e. build your own Blog)


6 JinLing Education Blog 金陵叙事

7 Blog 的實踐使我們大大拓展了自己 的學習路徑 …… 我們感受到 Blog 是教學反思的工具平臺、思想火花 的衝撞專區、心得交流的自由小屋、科 研工作的管理平臺、遠端技術支援的工 具、個人體驗的知識倉庫、師生互動的 激勵平臺、情感支撐的技術工具、組織 管理的便捷助手、知識管理的數位倉庫、 樹狀結構生態發展的學習路徑。

8 Some Useful URLs 07/44819.html

9 Invitation Please join the interest group on the use of EdBlog for learning and teaching of NSS Chemistry Just write your name, HKEdCity ID, school and telephone number

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