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Development of methods for biofortification of wheat crop flour Head of the Project : Dr. Baboev Saidmurat Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of methods for biofortification of wheat crop flour Head of the Project : Dr. Baboev Saidmurat Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of methods for biofortification of wheat crop flour Head of the Project : Dr. Baboev Saidmurat Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan Institute of Genetics and Plant Experimental Biology

2 Studying genetic and physio-biochemical features of wheat genotypes with different micronutrient contents in grain for estimation possibility and developing ways for biological fortification of wheat varieties with microelements Fe and Zn and folic acid by breeding and agrotechnical methods by using available at the Institute collection of local and old wheat varieties collected during expeditions to remote settlements of the republic. Aim of the project proposal:

3 Project tasks: Studying possibility of biological fortification, including selecting of wheat genotypes able to accumulate valuable nutritious elements in grain; Studying of genetic laws, physiological and biochemical mechanisms responsible for agricultural valuable features with the purpose to get varieties, characterizing by agricultural valuable features and high content of iron, zinc and folic acid in seeds content; Studying of electrophoretic specters of wheat seeds; Studying possibilities for using iron and zinc fertilizers for direct nutrition wheat plants.

4 Expected results from the project: bread-making quality and nutritional value of grains of the perspective winter wheat varieties will be estimated for using them in breeding programs and wide cultivating in the region countries. Biochemical content of valuable micro and macro elements will be examined. Degree of nutritional value of grains and flour using by population of the countries as a food will be selected. Winter wheat varieties with the highest nutrient element content valuable for human health will be used for biological fortification of grain with macro and micro elements; possibility for enriching grains of winter wheat varieties by nutrient elements will be investigated.


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