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Vaccines and Autism: Scientific Connection or Coincidental Link?

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Presentation on theme: "Vaccines and Autism: Scientific Connection or Coincidental Link?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vaccines and Autism: Scientific Connection or Coincidental Link?

2 Thesis: Some may find merit in the theory that vaccines are a cause of autism; however, there is insufficient evidence at the present time to find a scientific link between autism and vaccines.

3 Vaccine ingredient contains mercury The crux of the issue over vaccines and autism has shifted to whether or not thimerosal, which contains mercury, is the initiator of the developmental disorder of autism (O’Meara, 2005).

4 Scientists retract their support Thirteen scientists published an article in the Journal supporting a direct link between the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism. However, ten of the original thirteen doctors have since retracted their support (“Vaccine autism link retracted,” 2004).

5 CDC is controlling amounts of thimerosal The Center for Disease Control (CDC) states that all, “routinely recommended licensed vaccines,” in the country contain no thimerosal or amounts less than 0.0002 percent of doses. (O’Meara, 2005)

6 Vaccines available free of thimerosal While cases of autism continue to rise, in an effort to decrease mercury exposure, beginning in the year 2000 all childhood vaccines which are recommended for ubiquitous use were available free of thimerosal. (McCormick, 2005)

7 Autism rises despite removal of thimerosal An article in Science Magazine found that while the preservative was removed from vaccines in Denmark, cases of autism continued to rise. (Stokstad, 2003)

8 Court Dismisses Vaccine/Autism Link The family did not receive compensation since the court dismissed the claim that thimerosal was the cause of autism. (Payne, 2009).

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