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Purpose: To identify how irony is conveyed through the words, actions, and situations in a story.

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Presentation on theme: "Purpose: To identify how irony is conveyed through the words, actions, and situations in a story."— Presentation transcript:

1 Purpose: To identify how irony is conveyed through the words, actions, and situations in a story

2 On page 115, notice how the context of the Catacombs and Carnival excerpt provides clues to the meaning of unfamiliar words. Circle all the words in italics; then diffuse the meaning by underlining the words and phrases that suggest the meaning. Use a dictionary to find the meanings of any words you do not know after diffusing the text. BELL RINGER 2.8 DIFFUSE THE TEXT

3 What can you tell me about… Verbal irony? Situational irony? Dramatic irony? IRONY REVIEW

4 Today we will have a guided reading of The Cask of Amontillado. Our goal is make predictions based on clues in the text as well as identify how irony is conveyed through words and situations. Also, we want to pay close attention to the characters. We want to understand and explain the nuances of each character and how those nuances of character advance the plot. 1.Read About the Author 2.Guided Reading 3.Mark the text: underline anything that is interesting, circle anything confusing, make notes and drawings in margins. OPENING THE CASK

5 1.Read Chunk 1: As a class, discuss thoughts, questions, etc 2.Read Chunk 2: As a class, discuss thoughts, questions, etc 3.Read Chunk 3: As a class, discuss thoughts, questions, etc 4.Read Chunk 4:Predict what Montressor intendeds to do. Support your prediction with clues from the story. 5.Read Chunk 5: …. 6.Read Chunk 6: After reading the sixth chunk of the story, I think my prediction was_________________. Now I think… READ & ANNOTATE

6 You will now complete the worksheet over the story. CASK OF AMONTILLADO WORKSHEET

7 (found on bottom of page 104) “The Cask of Amontillado” begins with this sentence: The thousand injuries of Fortunato, I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge.” Using what you know about the two characters, write a creative story about one of these “injuries.” Your story should include a well- developed conflict and resolution as well as dialogue and suspense to enhance the plot. Due: Next Class Length: 4-5 paragraphs BONUS ACTIVITY (IF TIME) WRITING PROMPT

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