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Presentation on theme: "D R. H ARPER ’ S P LANS AND A GENDAS L ANGUAGE A RTS, S OCIAL S TUDIES, AND S TUDY S KILLS October 8-12, 2012."— Presentation transcript:


2 L ANGUAGE A RTS M ONDAY, O CTOBER 8, 2012 Target Learning: I can write a short story by creating characters, a setting, and a plot. W 1.2 and W 2.1 Word of the Day (Verbs): Attract – to possess some quality that pulls or draws (something) towards itself. Sentence example:

3 L ANGUAGE A RTS, P. 2 M ONDAY, O CTOBER 8, 2012 Writing Prompt: Today is "Columbus Day" in honor of explorer Christopher Columbus. Describe an area of Earth that you would like to explore and explain your reasons for wanting to explore that specific area. Writing Prompts created by: © 2012 Photo: ©

4 L ANGUAGE A RTS, P.3 M ONDAY, O CTOBER 8, 2012 Proofreading Sentences: a. whose the specialest person in your life b. the poets Granmother could taim wild horses Baucis & Philemon comprehension test, worksheets # pp. 54-56.

5 L ANGUAGE ARTS, P. 4 M ONDAY, O CTOBER 8, 2012 Guided Instruction: Writing a Short Story, p. 500 – 502: Boar Out There. Read/discuss introduction on p. 500. CD Audio reading of Boar Out There, pp. 501-502. Student-Led Conference portfolio work.

6 S OCIAL S TUDIES M ONDAY, O CTOBER 8, 2012 Target Learning: I can complete a standards review for the chapter two test. Review Chapter 2, Section 3, pp. 40-43. Complete Chapter 2:3 test. Complete Standards Review activity, pp. 45- 46, #1-10. Trade & grade. Work on Story Boards (see next slide)---

7 S TORY B OARD : C HAPTER 2 PROJECT D UE F RIDAY, O CTOBER 12, 2012 1. Create a list of storyboard topics from chapter two. 2 What images will you include in each frame? 3. How many frames will you need to tell the story of prehistoric people? 4. How will you represent your ideas visually? 5. After sketching an outline for your storyboard, begin drawing it. 6. Include all significant adaptations and developments made by prehistoric people. 7. The last frame in your story board should include a detailed summary to conclude your summary.

8 S TUDY S KILLS M ONDAY, O CTOBER 8, 2012 Target Learning: I can demonstrate how to use note taking skills to organize information. Teacher Edition: 5-60. Student Resource: Note Taking 5-62

9 L ANGUAGE A RTS T UESDAY, O CTOBER 9, 2012 Target Learning: I can write a short story by creating characters, a setting, and a plot. W 1.2 and W 2.1 Word of the Day (Verbs): Attend – to be present at. Sentence example:

10 L ANGUAGE A RTS, P.2 T UESDAY, O CTOBER 9, 2012 Writing Prompt: On this day in 1876, the first two-way telephone conversation took place. If you could call anyone, who would it be and why? Prompt created by: © 2006 Photo: ©

11 L ANGUAGE A RTS, P. 4 T UESDAY, O CTOBER 9, 2012 Proofreading Sentences: a. red blue and yellow paper flowers bloomed in the straw basket b. we was releived when we all past the test

12 L ANGUAGE A RTS, P. 5 T UESDAY, O CTOBER 9, 2012 Instruction: Independent Work: Reread Boar Out There and answer text questions. Check/discuss. Think Pair Share (see next slide): Complete Think About the Model, p. 503 with a partner. Student-Led Conference portfolio work.

13 T HINK P AIR S HARE : B OAR O UT T HERE, PP. 501-502 1. Think about the questions in the Think About the Model box on p. 503. Jot down your answers in a graphic organizer for questions 1-3. Create a timeline to list the events of Boar Out There.

14 T HINK P AIR S HARE : B OAR O UT T HERE, PP. 501-502, P. 2 2. Pair with a partner and share responses to the questions and timeline events from Think About the Model, p. 503. 3. Pairs partner with another pair to expand sharing. 4. Individually write about findings. 5. Share with whole group.

15 S OCIAL S TUDIES T UESDAY, O CTOBER 9, 2012 Target Learning: I can complete flash card and worksheet review activities for the chapter two test. Discuss Results of the Chapter Two Standards Review, pp. 45-46. Guided Practice - Concentration Review: Teams use flash cards Match terms with definitions Independent Practice - Worksheet Review pp. 25-26: Choose one of the facts about early cultures, and on a separate sheet of paper draw a picture about it. You can use your book and other resources for help.

16 S OCIAL S TUDIES, P. 2 T UESDAY, O CTOBER 9, 2012 Chapter Two Concepts to Study Homo Sapiens. Importance of Johansen’s discover of the Lucy bones. Nature and the environment were the basis for early man’s religion. The study of ancient bones tells us that early humans and hominids appeared first in East Africa. Language developed to support hunting, distribution of food, and the forming of relationships. Early people used land bridges to migrate from Africa. The Mesolithic Era is also known as the Middle Stone Age. Humans in the Mesolithic Era needed protection from the cold.

17 S OCIAL S TUDIES, P. 3 T UESDAY, O CTOBER 9, 2012 People made advances that allowed them to adapt to new environments. How did humans in the New Stone Age benefit from domesticating animals? Know the order of the Paleolithic Era, the Ice Age, the Mesolithic Era, and the Neolithic Era. Megaliths were used for religious gatherings. Know the origins of cloth and clothing materials. Southwestern Asia was the beginning location of Neolithic Revolution. A society is a community of people who share a common culture.

18 S TUDY S KILLS T UESDAY, O CTOBER 9, 2012 Target Learning: I can demonstrate how to use note taking skills to organize information. Teacher Edition: 5-60. Organizing Information, p. 5-63

19 L ANGUAGE A RTS W EDNESDAY, O CTOBER 10, 2012 Target Learning: I can write a short story by creating characters, a setting, and a plot. W 1.2 and W 2.1 Word of the Day (Verbs): Remember – to summon to the mind by an effort of memory; think of again. Sentence Example:

20 L ANGUAGE A RTS, P. 2 W EDNESDAY, O CTOBER 9, 2012 Writing Prompt: English chemist and physicist Henry Cavendish was born in England on this day in 1731. If you were a scientist today, what would you hope to discover? Prompt created by: © 2006 Photo: ©

21 L ANGUAGE A RTS, P. 3 W EDNESDAY, O CTOBER 10, 2012 Proofreading Sentences: a. michaels relatives loves telling and hearring storys b. harriet tubman was alone but she traveled thru the south to freedome in the north

22 L ANGUAGE A RTS, P. 4 W EDNESDAY, O CTOBER 10, 2012 Short Story (Narrative) Writing Prewriting, pp. 503-509; Practice and Apply, # 1-3. Writing, pp. 510–513; Practice & Apply 4, p. 510. Revising, pp. 514–516; Practice & Apply 5, p. 516 Publishing, pp. 517–518. Grammar Link: Capitalizing Proper Nouns, p. 517; Practice & Apply 6, p. 518. Student-Led Conference portfolio work.

23 S OCIAL S TUDIES W EDNESDAY, O CTOBER 10, 2012 Target Learning: I can demonstrate my understanding of chapter two concepts related to the Paleolithic Era, the Ice Age, the Mesolithic Era, and the Neolithica Era of the Stone Age. Check/discuss chapter two review worksheets, pp. 25-26. Final questions before test? Chapter two test. Work on Storyboard Projects—due Friday, October 12, 2012.

24 S TUDY S KILLS W EDNESDAY, O CTOBER 10, 2012 Student resource: Fingerprints.......... 5-65

25 L ANGUAGE A RTS T HURSDAY, O CTOBER 11, 2012 Target Learning: I can write a short story by creating characters, a setting, and a plot. W 1.2 and W 2.1 Word of the Day (Verbs): Attempt – to make an effort at. Sentence Example:

26 L ANGUAGE A RTS, P. 2 T HURSDAY, O CTOBER 11, 2012 Writing Prompt: First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt was born on this day in 1884. She was quoted as saying: “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” What do you think she met by that? Prompt created by: © 2006 Photo: ©

27 L ANGUAGE A RTS, P. 3 T HURSDAY, O CTOBER 11, 2012 Proofreading Sentences a. whats the importantest experience youve have b. one of toms teeth were loose

28 L ANGUAGE A RTS, P. 4 T HURSDAY, O CTOBER 11, 2012 District Writing Prompt: 1 st Quarter Writing Assessment: Short Story Narrative. Student-Led Conference portfolio work.

29 S OCIAL S TUDIES T HURSDAY, O CTOBER 11, 2012 Target Learning: I can demonstrate my understanding of the themes of politics and science & technology. Understanding Themes: Politics and Science & Technology In table groups, imagine that your group members are part of a culture that recently adopted a settled, agricultural lifestyle. Discuss and list the types of technology you might need to function in your villages and cities. Discuss and describe the type of government you might establish in their settlement.

30 S OCIAL S TUDIES, P. 2 T HURSDAY, O CTOBER 11, 2012 Guided Practice: Main Ideas in Social Studies and You Try It!, pp. 54-55. Complete and turn-in to assignment folder. Story Board Projects due tomorrow! Chapter 3 Flash Cards.

31 S TUDY S KILLS T HURSDAY, O CTOBER 11, 2012 Student resource: Book vs. Film.......... 5-66

32 L ANGUAGE A RTS F RIDAY, O CTOBER 12, 2012 Target Learning: I can identify common and proper nouns. Word of the Day (Verbs): Refer: to make mention of. Sentence Example:

33 L ANGUAGE A RTS, P. 2 F RIDAY, O CTOBER 12, 2012 Writing Prompt: Today is National Farmer’s Day. What do you think is the most important crop grown by farmers? Prompt created by: © 2006 Photo: ©

34 L ANGUAGE A RTS, P. 3 F RIDAY, O CTOBER 12, 2012 Check/discuss Proof Reading Sentences 6 th Grade Common Assessment— Peer Editing Rubric: Writing Journals HOLT HANDBOOK: Diagnostic Preview, p. 24 The Noun, pp. 25–26 Independent Practice: Developmental Language & Sentence Skills (worksheets) LHD, pp. 7–8.

35 S OCIAL S TUDIES F RIDAY, O CTOBER 12, 2012 Target Learning: I can listen and not interrupt during class presentations of Chapter Two Story Board Projects!! Students present projects: Taking notes on each student’s project. Note Outline: Name of Presenter: Project style: Main topics covered: Overall presentation of project: ExcellentSatisfactory Needs Improvement

36 S TUDY S KILLS F RIDAY, O CTOBER 12, 2012 Student resource: Life Cycle of a Frog..... 5-67


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