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Debra R. Green, MPA, CPMSM, CPCS Director, Medical Staff Services and Pediatric Residency Program Stanford University Medical Center Stanford Hospital & Clinics Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital
Objectives Overview of the 3 main regulatory bodies
Who they are? What they do? Why they exist? Overview of Credentialing Standards Requirements Compliance Survey Process
The Joint Commission (TJC)
Who are they? Private Organization What do they do? - Unannounced Surveys Can Survey “For Cause” Why do they exist? To ensure patient care and quality Who are they? Private Organization – established in early 50’s. It was written into the Medicare legislation in the 60’s, the law required that any hospitals participating under Medicare had to meet a certain level of quality of patient care as measured against a recognized norm. Hospitals were given an option to be surveyed under the Joint Commission or Medicare The cost to participate is substantial Surveyors are Consultants hired by TJC – most are retired physicians What they do? Survey organizations and provides an “accreditation” to those who meet the standards they have set Survey is done primarily through document review and interviews with leaders and staff All surveys are unannounced “Tracer” methodology Can Survey “for cause” based on a patient complaint Why do they exists? To ensure that organizational provider a certain level of patient care and quality.
Center for Medicare/Medicaid (CMS)
Who are they? Government Organization Surveyors are typically State DOH employees Gives deeming authority to TJC, HFAP and DNV What do they do? Validate TJC Can Survey For Cause Why do they exist? To ensure patient care and quality Who are they? Government Organization Typically employees of your State Department of Health Give deeming authority to TJC “ Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program (HFAP) and Det Norske Veritas Healthcare Inc. (DNV) What do they do? Survey organizations and provides an “accreditation” to those who meet the standards they have set They typically perform a “validation” survey within 60 days of a JC visit Survey is done primarily through document review and interviews with leaders and staff “Can Survey “for cause” based on a patient complaint Can randomly select organizations for unannounced surveys. Why do they exist? To ensure that organizational provider a certain level of patient care and quality.
Authorities Deemed by CMS
Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program (HFAP) Over 200 hospital and 200 other HC facilities and labs Existed for 60 yrs Det Norske Veritas Healthcare, Inc (DNV) Certifies other companies in additional to healthcare Existed since 1884 (began in Norway) World wide reputation for quality and integrity
National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA)
Who are they? Private Organization What do they do? Accredits: MCO’s, MBHO’s, PPO’s, NHP’s etc. Certifies: CVO’s Delegated Credentialing Agreements Hospital does the work for MCO Who are they? Newest of the 3 –created in the late 70’s Unlike TJC and CMS – they accredites Private Organization What do they do? Unlike TJC and CMS who accredits hospitals, NCQA accredits; Managed Care organizations (MCO) Managed Behavioral Healthcare organizations (MBHO’s) New Health Plans (NHPs) Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) Disease Management VA Human Research Protection Programs NCQA certifies: Credentials Verification Organizations (CVOs) Delegated Credentialing Agreements Hospital does the work for MCO This is the area that applies to how I am involved with NCQA Delegated Credentialing Agreements with 16 Managed Care Plans We do the credentialing for them, they come in and audit us. Audit Fairs – twice a year – March and October
Overview of Standards Joint Commission
13 total MS Standards Several Elements of Performance (EP’s) Several changes to MS Standard – 2007, eff 1/2008 CMS Conditions of Participation (CoP’s) 5 MS Standards Evidence of Compliance NCQA 12 Standards (Credentialing) Elements of Performance for each Standard Move right into comparing the differences.
(I) Primary Source verification from Medical School Alternate sources: AMA, AOA, ECFMG NCQA Requirement (I) Primary source verification from Medical School Not required if board certified or if residency has been verified Alternate sources: AMA, AOA, ECFMG (after 1986), state licensing agency
TJC Requirement (I) Primary source verification from training program Alternate sources: AMA, AOA NCQA Requirement (I) Primary source verification from training program Alternate sources: AMA, AOA, state licensing agency Not required if board certified (n/a for dentists) Because medical specialty boards verify education and training, verification of board certification fully meets the requirement for verification of education and training, unless otherwise stated below. Expired board certification may not be used to verify education or training. Printout from state licensing agency's Web site: The organization may use a dated printout of the licensing agency's Web site in lieu of a letter or other written notice as long as the site states that the agency verifies education and training with primary sources and indicates that this information is current. NCQA also accepts “sealed” transcripts as a primary source
(I&R) Peer Review through Credentials Committee with representation from similar types and degrees of expertise TJC Requirements (I&R) Required Peer must be within same professional discipline (advisable to utilize peer in same specialty) Recommendations should address training or experience, clinical competence and ability to perform privileges 6 General Competencies Now we’ve discovered that a Surgeon could evaluate and Anesthesiologist and vice versa. Physicians who use other specialties as consultants or work closely together. 6 General Competencies: Medical/Clinical Knowledge Technical and Clinical Skills Clinical Judgement Interpersonal Skills Communication Skills Professionalism
(I) Doctor must provide chronological history of his education, training and experience Determination of “significant” clinical performance NCQA Requirement (I) Doctor must provide five year work history on application or CV No verification required but must explain gaps of 6 months or more Determination of Significant clinical performance Example: Physician who transitioned away from providing care to do research for example for 5 years. The physician has not had any clinical performance in 5 years……so you have to collect the work history to determine what he/she has recently done.
HOSPITAL PRIVILEGES TJC Requirement “Ability to perform”
Significant clinical performance Practice within scope Grant or Deny must be objective and evidence based NCQA Requirement Application must include attestation statement from applicant regarding history of limitation or loss of clinical privileges or other disciplinary action NOTE: NCQA does not require doctors to have clinical privileges at an acute care facility There are several references to “privileges” in the new standards – couldn’t capture them all on 1 slide MS Collect information regarding the “ability to perform” Medical Staff Must evaluate the practitioners “ability to perform”. Usually done through Peer Evaluation or Chief/Chair Evaluation Significant clinical performance – we have volume criteria associated with our Medical Staff categories Practice within scope – example of OB/GYN and Tummy tucks – “abdominoplasty” Grant or Deny – must be evidenced based – cant not grant privileges just because you don’t like physician or the physician is a competitor.
Performance Monitoring
Required only by TJC Focused Professional Practice Evaluation (FPPE) Proctoring – Chart Review or Observations Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation (OPPE) Ongoing data assessment for ALL MS FPPE USE A SAMPLE PRIVILEGE FORM FOR SHC UROLOGY Proctoring Guidelines built right into the privileging forms OPPE: PPEC by clinical service that reports directly to the Care Improvement Committee (CIC) Quality Managers assigned to each clinical service – some meet monthly, some meet quarterly.
TJC Requirements Not addressed in standards NCQA Requirement (I & R) Current or previous sanctions must be verified Verify through NPDB, OIG, CMS, FSMB, state Medicaid agency
TJC Requirements Not addressed in standards NCQA Requirement P&P’s for the ongoing monitoring of sanctions 1) Medicare/Medicaid 2) License 3) Complaints Documentation is regularly obtained and reviewed Monitoring Adverse Events
DEA/CDS TJC Requirement
(I & R) Doctor must provide information regarding previously successful or currently pending challenges or relinquishment of registrations NCQA Requirement (I & R) Verify through copy of certificates, NTIS, AMA The National Technical Information Service serves as the largest central resource for government-funded scientific, technical, engineering, and business related information available today MS EP 9 NCQA CR 7
TJC Requirement (I & R) Participate in Continuing Education Documented Considered in Privilege process Should be relevant to clinical privileges requested NCQA Requirement (I & R) Not Required MS
TJC Requirements Primary source verification not required unless required by bylaws. (I & R) MS must evaluate professional liability actions NCQA Requirement Primary source verification not required (I & R) Attestation by doctor or copy of policy showing dates and amount of coverage or Face Sheet MS EP 9 NCQA CR 7 C
(I & R) evaluate evidence of “unusual” or “excessive” number of actions resulting in a final judgment. NCQA Requirement (I&R) Doctor must provide malpractice history for past five years. Verified through carrier or NPDB MS EP 9 NCQA CR 7 B
TJC Requirement (I&R) Must query at granting of initial, renewal and when a new privilege is requested. NCQA Requirement (I&R) Query if you can’t obtained last 5 years of claims from Insurance carriers. Use as alternate source for sanctions or limitations on licensure MS EP 7
TJC Requirements Terminology is not used in Medical Staff Standards Required under HR Standards NCQA Requirements (I&R) Application must attest to his/her history of loss of license and felony conviction and lack of illegal drug use. JC – if a physician is employed by the hospital, they will need a back ground check. We use USA Fact to do complete back ground checks at initial and reappointment for all MS and APPs NCQA CR 4 - A
(I) Verification not required unless bylaws require board certification (R) Organization Specific Verify through ABMS, AOA or specialty board NCQA Requirement (I) Not required, but verify through ABMS, AMA, AOA, state licensing agency if board certified (R) Verify only if certification has expired (including lifetime) Must document “lifetime” in lieu of expiration date We currently to not have Board Certification as a Medical Staff Requirement because as an Academic Medical Center, we recruit physicians from other countries. They do not qualify to American Boards because they didn’t train in the U.S. However, all of the clinical departments have adopted a privileging criteria to include board certification of foreign equivalent.
LICENSE NCQA Requirement TJC Requirement
(I & R)Primary source verification required at initial appointment, reappointment, revision of privileges and at time of expiration Current and Valid Verify through state licensing board NCQA Requirement (I & R) Primary source verification required Must be current and valid In effect at time of credentialing decision Verify through state licensing board MS NCQA CR A
(I & R) The doctor must provide information regarding challenges or relinquishment of license (attestation question) NCQA Requirements (I & R) Primary source verification Verify through state license board, NPDB, or FSMB MS EP 9
TJC Requirements Terminology Not Used NCQA Requirements Applicant must provide a current, signed attestation statement regarding the correctness and completeness of application NCQA CR 4 - A
TJC Requirement Structured procedure must be defined in bylaws Complete applications must be acted upon within reasonable time frame as specified in bylaws NCQA Requirement Credentials information must be no more than 180 days old at the time of credentialing committee’s decision MS EP 11 NCQA - ALL
TJC Requirement May not exceed two years NCQA Requirement Effective 7/1/01 credentialing period may be for 36 months MS EP 8 NCQA CR 8
NOW ABOUT CMS….. Some of the standards and the interpretations for the standards are very vague and obscure. Like with other regulatory standards, they tell you what you have to do, but not how you have to do it. 5 Major Standards – some of the standards are broken down into several parts Changes to H&P standard 2007
Medical Staff Organization
Regulation: Organized medical staff ; operates under bylaws that are approved by governing body; responsible for quality of care. Compliance: Bylaws, R&R’s, Cred files, Quality Reports, Meeting minutes
MS Composition (a) Regulation: Compliance:
MS composed of MD’s, DO’s according to state law; may also include others appointed by Governing Body. Compliance: MS Rosters, Cred Files, Minutes or approved Bylaws categories.
MS Composition (a)(1) Regulation: Compliance:
MS must conduct periodic appraisals Compliance: Cred Files, Profiles, Summary Reports of Credentialing activity, Board minutes documenting last 2 appraisals
MS Composition (a)(2) Regulation: Compliance:
MS must examine credentials of applicants for membership and make recommendation to Board. Compliance: Definition of Creds Review Process in the Bylaws; any MS or Dept minutes that document review and recommendations. Notice:….it says nothing of privileges – but they definitely look a privileges and competency when they survey. Compliance: Definition of Credentials Review process in Bylaws, R&Rs, Policies
MS Organization & Accountability
Regulation: MS must be well organized and accountable to Governing Body for quality of Medical Care provided. Compliance: MS Org Chart, Bylaws Description, Board Minutes, definition of MS Composition in Bylaws, Bylaws approval by Board
Medical Staff Bylaws Requirement: Compliance: MS must adopt & enforce.
Must be approved by Board; include category descriptions, H&P requirement and criteria for privileges to be granted; describe MS Organization and applicant qualifications; Compliance: Bylaws, R&R, Minutes, Medical Records (H&Ps), Quality reports (H&P timelines data)
Autopsies Requirement: Compliance:
Secure in all cases of unusual deaths and for med/legal educational interests. Compliance: R&R, Autopsy Policy, QA or PI reports; Medical Record Review.
History & Physicals (H&P)
New Requirement as of 2007: No more than 30 days before or 24 hrs after admission Old Requirement: No more than 7 days before and 48 hrs after Clarification as of 2007
Success Tips for Compliance
Continuous Readiness File Audits Database Audits (Appendix A) Increased Staff Knowledge (Appendix B) Employee Motivators/Incentives Continuous Readiness Surveys are unannounced – we no longer have 6 to 12 months to prepare File Audits Monthly – we do as a group. All coordinators get together an audit each others files. Complete an audit sheet that goes to the manager. The audit sheets are anonymous so that the staff are unaware of who audited them. The credentials manager collects all audit sheets and they become part of the employees evaluation. For more serious issues, the employee is counseled immediately. Database Audits Increased Staff knowledge- sample Fun Quizzes at staff meeting – offer grab bag Employee Motivators/Incentives “Comp” time – 2 hours for no errors in file audit 2 hours for no errors in database audit
Appendix A This is a aggregate of weekly audits
Report is complied every month
Appendix B Fun Quiz Educational and Motivational Tool
Temporary Privileges (Answer Sheet) 1. Under certain circumstances, temporary clinical privileges may be granted for a limited period of time. TRUE 2. When temporary privileges are granted to meet an important care need, the organized medical staff verifies only current licensure and current competence before the provider can begin seeing patients. 3. Temporary privileges for new applicants are granted for no more than 90 Bylaws/120 TJC days. 4. All temporary privileges are granted by the chief executive officer or authorized designee. 5, Under which circumstances does the Joint Commission allow temporary privileges to be granted? a. To fulfill an important patient care, treatment, and service need. b. When a new applicant with a complete application that raises no concerns is awaiting review and approval of the medical staff executive committee and the governing body. Bonus Question: Temporary privileges for new applicants may be granted while awaiting review and approval by the organized medical staff upon verification of……? List 5 items - Current licensure. - Relevant training or experience. - Current competence. - Ability to perform the privileges requested. - Other criteria required by the organized medical staff bylaws. - A query and evaluation of the National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) information. - A complete application. - No current or previously successful challenge to licensure or registration. - No subjection to involuntary termination of medical staff membership at another organization. - No subjection to involuntary limitation, reduction, denial, or loss of clinical privileges. All answers can be found in the Joint Commission Medical Staff Standards under MS Educational and Motivational Tool Appendix B Done at staff meeting Blank exam given Who ever gets all of the answers get a gift from a grab bag Who ever gets the bonus gets a 2nd gift The quizzes come back randomly until everyone gets all answers correct
Questions???? Contact information: Phone:
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