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1 Revision of the Relative Clause —— Insight Into the Relative Pronouns and Adverbs Jorge.

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2 1 Revision of the Relative Clause —— Insight Into the Relative Pronouns and Adverbs Jorge

3 2 Warm-up I. Warm-up: Listen and fill in the missing words in the telephone conversation. A. Hello! Mary speaking. B. Hi! This is Tom. I was wondering if you could do me a favor. A. Oh, Tom. Go ahead, please. B. I’d like you to pick up a friend for me at Pudong Airport, ____ will fly from the US, _____ flight is FM007. I’m to attend a lecture _____ is on English-teaching this afternoon. That’s the reason ____ I am calling you. Would that be ok? A. No problem. Tell me the time _____ your friend will arrive. B. Thank you, 4:30 this afternoon. whowhose which why when

4 3 A. What is she like? B. she has hair ____ is short and curly. That’s the lady ______ you should pick up. A. What’s her name? B. Joy. A. I see. Is it ok for me to bring her to the school _____ you teach? B. That would be fine. See you. A. See you. that where whom Q1: What are the red words called in the situational dialogue? The relative pronouns and adverbs. Q2: Which are the relative pronouns or relative adverbs? Which modifies persons or things? Which are the subjects or objects? What can the relative adverbs be replaced for?

5 4 Relative Clause person who (subject 主 ) whom (object 宾 ) that (subject/object 主 / 宾 ) thing which (subject/object 主 / 宾 ) that (subject/object 主 / 宾 ) whose/of whom (attributive 定语 ) whose/of which (attributive 定语 ) time When (adverbial 状语 ) place where (adverbial 状语 ) prep. + which (adverbial 状语 ) reason for which (adverbial 状语 ) why (adverbial 状语 ) Prep. + which (adverbial 状语 )

6 5 Overall review II. Overall review: Glance over the questions on the paper, deciding on their proper choices or answers through pair work. How to use “Three Steps” Step1 Put the modified( 被修饰的 )noun or pronoun into the relative clause. Step 2 If the clause is complete( 完整的 )with the noun or pronoun in, fill in the blank with a subject relative( 做主语关系代词 )or an object relative( 做宾语 关系代词 ). Step 3 If not complete, put a preposition before “which” or “whom” or choose to use the relative adverbs or “whose”.

7 6 Practice: III. Practice: Blank-filling of the relative pronouns and adverbs with “Three Steps”. Always Have a Dream Forget about the days ______ it's been cloudy, 忘掉你的失意日子, But don't forget your hours ______ are sunny. 但不要忘记黄金的时光。 Forget about the places ______ you've been defeated, 忘掉你的失败的地方, But don't forget the victories ______ you've won and the reasons ______ you’ve failed. 但不要忘记你夺取的胜利和失败的原因。 when which where which why

8 7 Forget about the lonely days, ______ have made you lonesome. 忘掉使你寂寞的日子, But don't forget the friendly people ______ you've got smiles from. 但不要忘记给你友善微笑的人。 Forget about the very plans ______ didn't seem to work out right, 忘掉你没有得以顺利实施的计划, But don‘t forget to always have a dream, __________ you‘ll have a bright future ahead. 但不要放弃你的梦想, 有了它就有了美好的前程。 which whom that with which

9 8 Utilization IV. Utilization: Read through the Chinese, putting them into English. 1. 秋天的黄叶, 它们没有什么歌可唱, 飘落在地上. Yellow leaves of autumn, ____________________, flutter and fall on the earth. 2. 那些想要行善的, 在外面敲着门。 Those ___________________ knock at the gate. 3. 这张照片使我想起了我在夏令营里度过的日子.(2000 年 ) 4. 到目前为止, 我们学过的英语单词总计大约 3500 个. (2001 年 ) which have no songs who want to do good This photo reminds me of the days (that/which) we spent in the summer camp. The English words (which/that) we have learnt so far add up to 3500.

10 9 Extension: Produce either passage with at least three relative clauses in it, using the following words to make it funny as you like through group work. V. Extension: Produce either passage with at least three relative clauses in it, using the following words to make it funny as you like through group work. 1.a. Feng Xiaogang( 冯小刚 ) b. cool c. Chenqiao High School d. ugly e. Feng Jie( 凤姐 ) f. paint g. happy 2.a. Mr Ding b. funny c. Chongming d. sad e. Lady Gaga f. play football g. excited eg. Feng Xiaogang is a director who is very cool. One day he came to Chenqiao High School, where he met an ugly lady whose name is Feng Jie. They painted together, which made them very happy.

11 10 Assignment for today 1. Completion of a paper with two passages, using the proper relative pronouns and adverbs. 2. A piece of writing entitled “The person I will never forget”, with no less than 5 relative clauses in it. THANK YOU FOR BEING WITH ME!

12 11 PRACTICAL WRITING Letters of Ordering T-shirts Personalised T-shirts by-mail I. Look at the pictures and consider the questions on the board. Reference answers : 1. She makes T-shirts with words/pictures on them. 2. By mail order. 3.They are personalised( 个性化的) and are specially printed. 4-5 open answers.

13 12 II. The 美眉 in the picture named Lu Tin who runs a shop on Taobao often receives different kinds of letter. Before you read the paper at hand, guess the kinds of letter that you think Lu Tin might get, and whom she might get the letters from. FROM:customers KIND OF LETTER:order for T-shirts III. Look at the letters of A, B,C,D,E and F Lu Tin received one morning, coming up with the answers on the board. 1. A and E, C and F. 2. Lu Tin knows the writers of B (addresses her by boss; in the form of note) and F (informal; addresses her by first name).

14 13 3. A from a ( ) to order ( ). B from Lu Tin’s ( ) to leave her a ( ). C from a ( ) 批发商 to request ( ). D from a ( ) to ( ). E from a ( ) to give a message for an ordered ( ). F from a business ( ) to ( ) for a delay and to accompany C. IV. Suppose you are Lu Tin. In which order will you answer the letters? She will probably deal with( )first (urgent). She will probably deal with( )next ( to satisfy a new customer), then the complaint ( ), and finally ( ), as they are not urgent. A/E B DC/F customera T-shirt secretarymessage wholesaler payment customer complain about the T-shirt customer T-shirt friend apologize

15 14 V. Consider the three questions about letter-writing customs. 1.Where is the date concerning the sender’s address ( below or above the sender’s address) ? Below the sender’s address. 2. Please match the openings with an ending. a) Dear (name/Lu Tin) b) Yours faithfully c) Dear Sir/Madam d) Yours sincerely a) matches d); c) matches b)

16 15 3. Find three sentences/ways of making polite requests from Letters B, D, E. Can you phone him …? (B); Please send … (D/E); could you please include …(E) VI. Look at letter E. Identify the parts of the letter in which the writer: a)gives his reason for writing. b)closes the letter. c)gives the message to be included. d)writes his own address and the date. e)gives the address and date for delivery. f)says that the order form and payment are enclosed. g) opens the letter. h) writes the address of the person he is writing to. 4 8 6 1 7 5 3 2

17 16 VII. Work with your partner. You are to send a T- shirt with a message on the front to your mutual ( 共同的) friend. 1.Think of a reason for sending the T-shirt.( A birthday gift? A wedding gift? Or just please him/her?) 2.Try to make up a message for the T-shirt, the more amusing, the better. VIII. Now order the T-shirt for your friend in your exercise-books. 1.Copy and write an order form like A. 2.Write a letter to accompany your order form, using Letter E to help you.

18 17 Homework for today: Write Lu Tin’s reply to Letter D and apologise for the problems and repay the money. 1. Here are some useful ways of apologizing: 2. I am awfully sorry that… 3. I apologise for (+noun/-ing) 4. Please accept my apologies. 5. I hope you will accept my apologise.

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