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Chapter 9 Inspection of Goods  Aims and RequirementsAims and Requirements  9.1 Inspection of Goods9.1 Inspection of Goods  9.2 Inspection Practice9.2.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 9 Inspection of Goods  Aims and RequirementsAims and Requirements  9.1 Inspection of Goods9.1 Inspection of Goods  9.2 Inspection Practice9.2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 9 Inspection of Goods  Aims and RequirementsAims and Requirements  9.1 Inspection of Goods9.1 Inspection of Goods  9.2 Inspection Practice9.2 Inspection Practice  9.3 Inspection Clause9.3 Inspection Clause

2 Aims and Requirements Teaching Methods: Discussion, Case Study, Team Study, English Teaching Aims: To grasp inspection practice in international trade; To learn how to write inspection certificates. Key Points: Time and Place of Inspection, Inspection Certificate, Inspection Practice

3 9.1 Inspection of Goods  9.1.1 Contents of Inspection9.1.1 Contents of Inspection  9.1.2 Time and Place of Inspection9.1.2 Time and Place of Inspection  9.1.3 Inspection Authorities9.1.3 Inspection Authorities

4 9.1.1 Contents of Inspection 商品检验是指商品检验 机构对商品的品质、数 量(重量)、包装、安 全性能、卫生指标、残 损情况、货物装运技术 条件等方面进行检验和 鉴定,并出具检验证书 的活动。

5 It includes: Quality Inspection ( 品质 ) Quantity and Weight Inspection Packing Inspection Sanitation Inspection ( 卫生检验 ) Inspection for Damaged Goods ( 残损鉴 定 )

6 9.1.2 Time and Place of Inspection 1. Inspection in the export country 1) Inspection at Works/ Origin 2) Shipping Quality and Shipping Weight 否定买方的复验权,对买方不利

7 2. Inspection in the import country 1) Landed Quality and Landed Weight 2) Inspection at the final destination 3. Inspection in the export country, Reinspection in the import country 4. Shipping Weight, Landed Quality

8 9.1.3 Inspection Authorities 1. Chinese Inspection Authorities General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People ’ s Republic of China ( 国家质量监督检验检疫局 ) Authorized Inspection Function Supervision and Management Authentication


10 China National Import & Export Commodity Inspection Corp., CCIC ( 中国进出口商品检验总公司及各地分公 司 ) 经中国政府批准注册的第一家从事检验、鉴 定和质量认证的综合性第三方检验认证机构, 现已成为一家世界知名的跨国检验认证机构。

11 2. International Inspection Authorities 1)Food and Drug Administration, FDA (官方:美国食品药物管理局) 2)Underwriters Laboratory, UL (半官方:美国担保人实验室) 3)SOCIETE GENERALE DE SURVEILLANCE S. A. SGS (非官方:瑞士日内瓦通用鉴定公司)

12 The Inspection Certificate Inspection Certificate of Quality Inspection Certificate of Weight or Quantity Inspection Certificate of Packing Inspection Certificate of Health Inspection Certificate on Damaged Cargo

13 9.2 Inspection Practice

14 Application for inspection Sampling Inspection Visa

15 9.3 Inspection Clause

16 The inspection clause in international trade contracts usually contains stipulations on the inspection right, the time and place of inspection or reinspection, the inspection organization, the inspection items and the inspection certificate. ( International Practice page 198-199.)

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