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 Discrimination is an action- unfair treatment, directed against someone  can be based on: age, sex, race, physical appearance, clothing, sexual orientation,

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2  Discrimination is an action- unfair treatment, directed against someone  can be based on: age, sex, race, physical appearance, clothing, sexual orientation, religion, etc. ▪ when the basis of discrimination is someone’s perception of race its known as racism  Prejudice is an attitude- a prejudging of some sort, usually negatively

3 We learn prejudice from the people around us Sociologist Kathleen Blee interviewed women who were members of the KKK and Aryan Nation: – Most women were recruited by someone who already belonged to the group – Some learned to be racist AFTER they joined the group Racism not always the cause, sometimes the result of membership

4 Psychologist Eugene Hartley asked people how they felt about several racial and ethnic groups – Included ones that were made up Found that people who disliked real racial and ethnic groups also said they disliked the fake ones – Shows that prejudice doesn’t depend on negative experiences with others – Also shows that people who are prejudice against 1 racial also tend to be prejudice against others

5  People can learn to be prejudice against their own groups  A national survey of black Americas conducted by black interviewers found that African Americans think that lighter-skinned African American women are more attractive than those with darker skins

6  Individual discrimination- the negative treatment of 1 person by another  Primarily an issue between the individuals  Institutional discrimination- discrimination that is woven into the fabric of society  Examples: Home Mortgages and Car Loans and Health Care

7 Race and ethnicity is a significant factor in getting a mortgage – Banks argue that it might look like discrimination but “the truth is whites have better credit histories” – Research was done and even when applicants were identical in income and credit, African Americans and Latinos were 60% more likely than whites to be rejected Discrimination is built into the country’s financial institution

8  White patients are more likely to receive certain surgeries or tests than African Americans and Latinos  Physicians don’t intend to discriminate

9  Genocide  First people label a group of people as inferior and somehow less human ▪ Makes it easier to justify killing and still retain a good self-concept  Population transfer  Making life miserable so that the minority groups leave voluntarily- indirect transfer  Expulsion of minority- direct transfer

10  Internal Colonialism  The way in which a country’s dominant group exploits minority groups for its economic advantage  Segregation  The separation of racial or ethnic groups  Allows the dominant group to maintain social distance from the minority

11  Assimilation  The process by which a minority groups is absorbed into the mainstream culture ▪ Forced- refuses to allow minority to practice religion, speak language, etc ▪ Permissible- allows minority to adopt the dominant group’s patterns at its own speed  Multiculturalism  Permits or encourages racial-ethnic variations

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