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Deployment Diagrams Martin Orendáč. Deployment Diagrams A deployment diagram in the Unified Modeling Language models the physical deployment of artifacts.

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1 Deployment Diagrams Martin Orendáč

2 Deployment Diagrams A deployment diagram in the Unified Modeling Language models the physical deployment of artifacts (software) on nodes (hardware). You want to create a deployment diagram for applications that are deployed to several machines.Unified Modeling Languageartifacts nodes

3 Deployment Diagrams The three-dimensional boxes represent nodes, either software or hardware. Physical nodes should be labeled with the stereotype device Connections between nodes are represented with simple lines, and are assigned stereotypes such as RMI and message bus to indicate the type of connection. Nodes can contain other nodes or software artifacts. The ApplicationServer node contains EJBContainer (a software node) which in turn contains three software components, a deployment specification, and a software artifact.

4 Deployment Diagrams Deployment specifications are basically configuration files which define how a node should operate. They are depicted as two- sectioned rectangles with the stereotype deployment spec, the top box indicates the name and the bottom box lists the deployment properties (if any) for the node. Software artifacts are shown with the visual stereotype of a page with a folded corner or with the textual stereotype artifact

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