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Governance: PCB &CCO (SGB1) 1) Do findings resonate: No Consensus. Some think governance has improved, others not. 2) Where to find the evidence? Expectations.

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Presentation on theme: "Governance: PCB &CCO (SGB1) 1) Do findings resonate: No Consensus. Some think governance has improved, others not. 2) Where to find the evidence? Expectations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Governance: PCB &CCO (SGB1) 1) Do findings resonate: No Consensus. Some think governance has improved, others not. 2) Where to find the evidence? Expectations more ambitious than for other UN orgs. Stakeholder expectations need clarification Comparison with other orgs needed but difficult (no clear metrics) 3) Directions for recommendations Mandate & role of PCB/PCB Bureau/Chair clarification Approach to drafting: explore separating policy discussion & decision making during PCBs. Avoid Board micromanagement. CCO/PCB relationship: Improving reporting and collaboration Voice of civil society: need for guidance 4) Other considerations: Report language needs to be more balanced, less “bombastic” Please: Stakeholder expectations on governance need to be realistic

2 SGB2 UBW 1.Transparency not right term. 2.UBW does influence cosponsors programming and is basis for Secretariat programming 3.UBW follows strategic directions of PCB 4.UBW is a key tool in PCB governance and programme implementation 5.Criteria for resource allocation strengthened.

3 DoL at Global Level (SGB 3) Do findings resonate: Expectations of DoL may not be realistic. Where DoL has worked well for harmonisation this has been silent – needs to be captured. Perceptions vary on DoL improving entry points for others Being a cosponsor has kept agencies – resonates Role of ExD as champion – resonates Need to reflect IATTs in findings Where to find the evidence? Additional evidence needed in relation to the role of the DoL in generating decisions about harmonisation Challenges of clear evidence on IATTs Directions for recommendations Clarify expectations for Dol Optimise roles of coordinators in expanding efforts but without detracting from effort at top.

4 DoL at country level (SGB 4) Do findings resonate: Generally no – improvement is slow but there is improvement Where to find the evidence? Look at time series info Staffing and budget decisions at global level Reinterpret evidence Directions for recommendations Greater PCB role in oversight sec and DoL Review DoL between sec and co-sponsors Make progress on joint programme initiatives

5 SGB5: Efficiency and effectiveness of administration of the joint programme Do the findings and statements in the document resonate with your own experience? The findings were substantiated by the group experience If not, how do they differ and what evidence can you direct the team to review? The report said there are no competency framework in place, there are some in place and they are currently being reviewed. This evidence need to be submitted to ET and reviewed by ET Which of the findings offer scope for practical recommendations that can be implemented? There has been limited oversight by the PCB, What is the appropriate oversight role for PCB? Burning issue is The competing administrative systems limits the effectiveness, efficiency and ability to recruit competent staff by the secretariat. Action needs to happen now in order to maximise efforts and resources.


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