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1 CSE1301 Computer Programming: Revision. 2 Topics Type of questions What do you need to know? About the exam Exam technique Staff consultation Revision.

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Presentation on theme: "1 CSE1301 Computer Programming: Revision. 2 Topics Type of questions What do you need to know? About the exam Exam technique Staff consultation Revision."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 CSE1301 Computer Programming: Revision

2 2 Topics Type of questions What do you need to know? About the exam Exam technique Staff consultation Revision Drop-in Centre Sample questions

3 3 Types of Questions Exam –30 multiple choice worth 1 mark each –15 short-answer questions worth 2 marks each –90 marks worth of coding/programming questions –(no True/False questions) –150 marks in total - in 180 minutes

4 4 What Do You Need to Know? Coverage: All lectures, practicals, tutorials and readings.

5 5 Overview Gates –AND, OR, NOT Binary representation –bit, byte, word –integer: decimal to binary, unsigned, –float: IEEE standard –precision, under/overflow –arithmetic operations

6 6 Overview Values Variables Types –char, int, float, const, typedef, struct –arrays (up to 2-D), strings, int for “Boolean” Operations –initialization –arithmetic, Boolean expressions, precedence –string library functions

7 7 Overview Pointer Basics –when to use & and * Structures –definition vs. instance –accessing members/elements –array of structures

8 8 Overview Flow of control –Flow diagrams/charts Iteration –while, for –nested loops Selection –if...else

9 9 Overview Functions –Prototypes –Definition –Parameters actual, formal, arrays, structs, pointers –Return values –Variable scope –Recursion

10 10 Overview Streams –stdio, stderr, stdout printf() and scanf() –Format specifier –Return values –The & and * operators Files –fopen(), fclose(), fprintf(), fscanf()

11 11 Overview Software Engineering –Development Process –Design: top-down, bottom-up –Structure Chart: Control and Data Coupling –Dataflow Diagrams –Test Data

12 12 Overview Searching –linear search –binary search Sorting –insertion sort –selection sort BUT not CODE for these, just algorithms

13 13 About the Exam 10 minutes reading time 3 hours duration 150 total marks No calculators, books, notes, etc.

14 14 Don’t Panic. Make use of reading time. Go for the marks –Attempt the questions in the order that gives the best result Don’t spend too much time on any question. –A bit over 1 minute per mark (150 marks in 180 minutes) Clearly indicate what question you are attempting. Exam Technique

15 15 Work through the problems carefully For coding problems, focus on the result required - what values do I need to print out in the end? Exactly what do I need to calculate? Write down anything you know about the problem –Even if you only know how to write a skeleton of the program, write that down! Don't forget to write your name and ID! Exam Technique (continued)

16 16 Staff Consultation During the Exam Period Linda will be available between 11 and 12 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays (room 130, building 26) Kym will be available 1-2pm Mondays & Tuesdays (room 131, building 26) Rose will be available every week-day between 1 and 2pm until the exam (room G21, building 26)

17 17 Revision Drop-In Centre There will be a revision drop-in centre with tutors and demonstrators providing consultation Wednesday October 31, 1-4pm Friday November 2, 1-4pm Room G27, building 72 (behind the Hargrave library)

18 18 Sample Questions Check out the sample exam on the web for some sample questions Tutorial questions are good sample exam questions

19 19 Sample Questions Typical questions will –ask you to write small functions –ask you to write algorithms to solve problems –ask you to convert flow charts to algorithms –ask you to convert code to algorithms –ask you to convert algorithms to code –given an algorithm, show the values of relevant variables

20 20 Sample Questions Typical questions (continued) –given a flow diagram, show values of relevant variables –given an algorithm, or a flow diagram, or a program written in C, provide test data which will test all possible execution paths –Most algorithms you will have to deal with in the exam will be algorithms you have seen before

21 21 Thank you! For listening For participating For your feedback –if you have anything else you'd like to say about the course, or the teaching of it, please feel free to email, or drop a note in my pigeon hole, or in at the office

22 22

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