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Unit 3 Travel Journal Speaking & Writing. Speaking: Introduce a place that you have ever been to to your partner, such as when and how you went there,

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3 Travel Journal Speaking & Writing. Speaking: Introduce a place that you have ever been to to your partner, such as when and how you went there,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 3 Travel Journal Speaking & Writing

2 Speaking: Introduce a place that you have ever been to to your partner, such as when and how you went there, what you saw, what you did, what impressed you most ect.

3 Writing : Read the short passage on page 23, and find out the differences between a diary and a travel journal.

4 DiaryTravel journal 1. Put thoughts 4.writers record their experiences, ideas and afterthoughts about what they have seen. 4. diary writers record how they feel very soon after things happen 3. travel journal has a different purpose 3. diary just record the personal feelings 2. not so personal,can be shared with others 2. personal 1.write about their travels

5 Have you ever written a travel journal? Have you ever introduce your trip to your friends? Now, imagine you just come back from a journey, and during journey you have recorded what you saw,how you felt, and you want to write a letter to your American friend to share your experience. The following is the form of the letter:

6 (heading) Beijing No 4 Middle School Beijing, China October 3rd, 2004 (salutation) Dear Sir or Madam: Thank you for your letter dated October 1s, 2004.________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________( body )___________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________________ (complimentary close) Yours sincerely, (signature) Zhou ping

7 Students write the draft of the letter in the class.

8 Homework: Revise the composition and then change with the desk mates to correct the mistake. Next lesson, read the revised and corrected one to the whole class.

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