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Public Relations Why is PR important for NARFE membership and the Community? Presented: April 29, 2009 NC Federation of NARFE Chapters Annual Convention.

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Presentation on theme: "Public Relations Why is PR important for NARFE membership and the Community? Presented: April 29, 2009 NC Federation of NARFE Chapters Annual Convention."— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Relations Why is PR important for NARFE membership and the Community? Presented: April 29, 2009 NC Federation of NARFE Chapters Annual Convention

2 How do we define PR?  Defined in Webster’s Dictionary as: the business of inducing the public to have understanding for and goodwill toward a person, firm, or institution

3 Why do we care about PR?  It is important for gaining and maintaining public understanding and support.  It is essential for informing elected officials and for influencing legislation and policies that affect federal retirees.  It helps highlight the public service contributions being made by NARFE chapters and federations.  It helps to attract new members.

4 The Secret’s Out…  Seems like a daunting task, but it is easier than you think!  Every member can do PR.

5 Membership and PR  The Best PR is members talking to friends, neighbours, family  Bring guests to a NARFE meeting  Be visible in your local community  Wear your NARFE pin

6 Discussion  What type of PR activities have been done in your chapter?  What can the federation do to support the chapters in PR activities  Make sure all guests at NARFE meetings get some kind of material about NARFE  Produce a simple leaflet about the chapter

7 Why Should We Promote NARFE and Our Activities?

8 The elevator message  What is NARFE?  Who belongs to it?  What does it do?

9 A Valuable Resource  There are many marketing tools already available.  The important thing was making you’re aware of the resources and how to use them.  The NARFE Public Relations Handbook was developed to introduce these materials and provide simple how-to instruction guides.

10 Easy Promotion Ideas  Newspapers – allow you to communicate more information than radio and TV stations. Send those news releases!  Radio PSAs – these announcements cover specific NARFE programs as well as general information about what NARFE chapters do.

11 Easy Promotion Ideas  Cable TV – if your community has a local cable TV company, contact them about putting your message on their local access channel.  Libraries – Give extra copies of The NARFE magazine to your local library. Attach a sticker with contact information for your chapter.

12 Easy Promotion Ideas  “Welcome” kits – many communities have kits that are given to new residents with promotional materials from local businesses and organizations. Supply NARFE materials.

13 Easy Promotion  Community Events – participate in local parades, fairs, sports tournaments and holiday celebrations. Wear your pins, display your banner and give out handouts.  Official Proclamations – local, state and even federal officials issue a proclamation for a special event or anniversary.

14 Easy Promotion Ideas  Billboards – billboard companies frequently carry messages by nonprofit organizations as a public service. Chapters will have to pay for the cost of printing.  Chapter Business Cards – print up special cards with your meeting time and place and a contact name and number. Distribute them to friends, co- workers and at community events.

15 Media Relations 101: When to Say What to the Press

16 Why Even Deal With The Media?  Pro-Active Get your message out in an “objective” medium Educate the public Establish yourself as an expert Place positive stories about issues Respond to negative stories

17 Meet the Media Where Do We Get News? 1. Local television news – 59% 2. Newspapers – 42% 3. Radio – 40 % 4. Cable TV news – 38 % 5. Network news – 34% 6. Online news – 29 %


19 Defining the Media  Print Media  Dailies  Weeklies  Monthlies  Magazines  Wire services  Electronic  TV  Radio  Web Sites  Blogs

20 Accessing the Media  They come to you Want your comment as expert Negative story about you  You go to them Releases/Advisories Special Events Ltrs to the editor/OpEd Editorial Board Meetings

21 o Hard news o News feature o Series o Human Interest o Business o Sports o Editorial Types of News Stories

22 Media List

23 Know How the Media Wants to Get Info  Smaller local papers: Releases that are written as news articles  Larger outlets: Releases with bulleted info that can be scanned for topics of interest  TV: Shorter, topical stories with good visuals  Radio: Shorter, topical stories, good sound bites

24  Revolving Media Door Type of media market drives personnel turn- over Keep your lists up to date  Understand how journalists see themselves Their job is to uncover and report They are busy Do their work for them Reporters 101

25  Find out who covers local news Print: various editors/reporters & beats TV & Radio: Assignment Editors  Get to know them Interests/Angles—contribute to them Deadlines Two way street How do they want to cover the news on their beat? It’s All About Relationships

26 Meet The Media  Reporters choose stories that: Get them noticed Have audience appeal (generate ad revenues) Beat the competition  Want to appear objective

27 Developing Relationships with Your Media Outlets  Be accessible  Be honest  Be polite  Provide simple, direct responses  Don’t say “no comment  Respect deadlines  Avoid speaking off the record or on background

28 Pitch Your Story to the Media

29 Pitching Your Story  Telephone calls are the most effective way to communicate with reporters.  Reporters are on paper overload.

30 Pitching Your Story  Target your reporters.  What if you don’t know who to call?

31 Pitching Your Story  Find a “hook” for your story.  What is the “hook” for the NARFE Alzheimer’s Fund campaigns?

32 Pitching Your Story Making the call  Always pitch the story first.  Keep it short and punchy!  Be enthusiastic and helpful.  Never lie to a reporter!

33 Pitching Your Story  Deadlines.  When is the best time to call reporters?

34 Pitching Your Story  Only pitch to one reporter per organization.  Close the deal.  Offer to send information.

35 Pitching Stories  Know what is going on in your chapter Meet with officers … what they are doing Watch internal e-mail reminders and announcements for story ideas  Develop unique angles and have everything in place (interview and photo ops, releases, etc) before pitching Media are busy/lazy

36 Keep Momentum Going  Send thank you notes to reporters  Tell them what a great job they did  Send follow up thank you letter to the editor  If you know a national story is breaking, call your local paper to see if they want a local angle

37 The Message Message= Key bits of information you want your audience to know

38 Effective Messages Key Messages are: Concise Active Positive Short Specific

39 Start With The Facts  Do not assume  Be accurate  Avoid jargon  Make the facts accessible  Be consistent and repetitive

40 The Math of Messaging

41 During The Interview

42 Stage Fright!

43 Tips and Tricks  Pausing  Repetition  Consistence  Blocking  Assertiveness  Flagging  Headlining  Bridging

44  The shortest route between the reporter’s question and your message. Bridges help you take control. Bridging

45 Telephone Interviews

46 Print Interviews

47 Live Studio Interview  Arrive early.  Make-up?  Look at host – use host’s name  Stay conversational.  State messages early & often.

48 The Remote Interview  Live / Live to tape  Interview structure?  Be alert to time limits.  Use host’s name.  IFB - Technical issues  Assume you’re on.  Maintain eye contact.

49 Talk Shows

50 Radio  Delivery  Voice  Inflection,  Pace  Need To Speak “ Visually ”

51 What If the Story Is Not What You Expected?

52 Crisis Communications  Have a plan in place before a crisis hits  One person speaks with the media  Internal Communication They’ll be asked by friends and neighbors Rumor Control  Have a message and stick to it  Stay ahead of the crisis

53 Questions

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