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N EEDS OF L IVING THINGS October 19 th -2010. S ET UP YOUR PAGE IN THIS FORMAT : WordsNotes RaptorsA dangerous and scary dinosaur which should never be.

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Presentation on theme: "N EEDS OF L IVING THINGS October 19 th -2010. S ET UP YOUR PAGE IN THIS FORMAT : WordsNotes RaptorsA dangerous and scary dinosaur which should never be."— Presentation transcript:

1 N EEDS OF L IVING THINGS October 19 th -2010

2 S ET UP YOUR PAGE IN THIS FORMAT : WordsNotes RaptorsA dangerous and scary dinosaur which should never be underestimated. CellsThe basic unit of living things.

3 C ELLS Cells Basic unit of living things. ALL LIVING THINGS are made up of cells! Think the list of living things you made on Friday, is there any you would change? (example: the wind: is that a living thing?) What do cells do for us?

4 H OW MANY CELLS ? Unicellular:Living things that are made up of ONE cell. MulticellularLiving things that are made up of two or more cells. How many cells do we have? Lets classify these living things: 1. Bacteria3. Virus 2. Elephant4. Red blood cell.

5 N EEDS OF L IVING THINGS ! Living things have FIVE basic needs for survival! (this does not include your iPOD). 1. Oxygen : A gas in the earths atmosphere. Oxygen helps you release energy made from the food you eat. ALMOST all biotic elements on the planet earth take in oxygen to survive. Draw a picture here

6 Water: Water covers 75% of the earth’s surface, and our bodies are made up of 70% water. We need CLEAN water to survive, and plants also need water to survive.

7 Food: Food gives us energy by converting NUTRIENTS to energy. These nutrients include carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. You need food to GROW, MOVE, and REPAIR. Draw Picture Here

8 Healthy Foods vs. Non Healthy Foods. What are some examples of healthy foods and non- healthy foods?

9 Lets list what makes these foods unhealthy! (What do they contain that makes them not good for us!) Food Unhealthy Components

10 E FFECTS OF E ATING T OO MUCH S UGAR ! Tooth decay is caused by the acid made by bacteria that grow in sugar. The acid eats away at the enamel of the teeth. Eating too much sugar can cause severe cavities and gum disease! Too many sugar-sweetened drinks (such as coca-cola and Tang) are believed to be one of the causes of kids becoming obese! Sugar will give you energy for only a SHORT period of time. Then you feel hungry again! What are some healthier foods we can eat that will give us the energy we need to survive?

11 Energy Energy is what moves your body! It keeps your heart beating and your muscles moving! Your brain uses 20% of the energy your body produces!

12 HabitatBiotic organisms need a habitat that is SAFE! It also must have everything they need to survive. What does your habitat look like?

13 S UITABLE H ABITATS What is a suitable habitat for each of these organisms?

14 Poster making time! Make a poster that illustrates all the 5 needs of living things! This poster must have: 1. The names of the 5 needs 2. A definition of each Make it as artistic as you would like! !

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