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Building Leadership Teams 2011-12 Driving Continuous Improvement Throughout the School! Elementary Session #4 March 27th, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Building Leadership Teams 2011-12 Driving Continuous Improvement Throughout the School! Elementary Session #4 March 27th, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Leadership Teams 2011-12 Driving Continuous Improvement Throughout the School! Elementary Session #4 March 27th, 2012

2 2011-12 BLT Key Outcomes Set and communicate direction! Effectively implement PLCs with integrity and fidelity at the school Align the work of PLC teams with the School Improvement Plan Use the Plan Do Study Act cycle and quality tools to drive improvements for PLC/SIP SMART goals

3 Agenda 8:00-11:30am End of Year SIP Review Building Leadership Team Self-Assessment Formative Assessments/PLCs BLT Planning for Next Year 11:30am – 12:30pm Lunch at Double A’s 12:30 – 3:30pm Team time (Planning for the 12-13 school year)

4 Effective Teams Make Collective Commitments to Each other… -Building Leadership Team Norms Review your team BLT norms before we begin our work today!

5 Characteristics of High Performing Schools 1.Common mission, vision, values and goals. 2.Ensuring achievement for all students with systems for prevention and intervention. 3.Collaboration focused on teaching and learning. 4.Using data to guide decision-making and continuous improvement. 5.Gaining active engagement from family & community 6.Building sustainable leadership capacity.



8 Instructions Review both documents SIP Rubric SIP End of Year Review Complete the End of Year review 1st- Each individual determines a rating Next- Once all individuals complete the rating, come to consensus on a “group” rating Capture the “consensus rating” to report out Be prepared to share your findings Select a presenter

9 How are we doing? BLT self-reflection… next steps?

10 Instructions Review the BLT Self reflection document Complete the BLT Self reflection document 1st- Each individual determines a rating Next- Once all individuals complete the rating, come to consensus on a “group” rating Capture the “consensus rating” to report out Be prepared to share your findings Select a presenter

11 Where is your PLC team in the PDSA Cycle?

12 After Break: Sit by Grade Level Teams

13 After Break: Sit in the Following Groups TABLEGrade Levels BannerKindergartenHolly/CarissaTechnology Dunlap Grade1 st gradeJulie2nd gradeMandy RES3 rd grade4 th gradeJamie WW5 th gradeDave


15 PDSA Reflection Tool

16 Share with a partner Where your team is in the PDSA Cycle Your Smart Goal Your Improvement Theory Conclusions: Did your Improvement Theory Work? Next Steps

17 Past, Present, & Future Learning by Doing, Our PLC Journey The answer to the knowing-doing problem is deceptively simple: embed more of the process of acquiring new knowledge in the actual doing of the task and less in the formal training programs that are frequently ineffective. If you do it then you will know it. (Pfeffer & Suttton, 2000)


19 Aligning/Merging our Work: CC, SI,PLC,BLT’s 1.What is it we want all students to know and be able to do? 2.How will we know our students are learning? 3.What will we do when our students are not successful? 4.What will we do when our students already know? Developing District Course/Grade level Maps Identifying Power Standards Creating “I can” statements Create Common Format Assessments Studying the Common Core Math/Language Arts Standards Developing/implementing Common Writing Assessments Collaboratively analyzing assessment data

20 Merging SI & PLC Work 1.What is it we want all students to know and be able to do? District Curriculum maps- tell what is important Power Standards/ “I can” statements Studying Common Core Standards 2.How will we know our students are learning? Developing Common Formative Assessments Collaborative Data Analysis Collaboratively Developing/Implementing Writing Assessments 3.What will we do when our students are not successful? 1.What will we do when our students already know?

21 Connecting the PDSA Process to your curriculum units (from Macro to Micro) Common Formative Assessments (Pre or Baseline) Collaborative Data Analysis Instruction based on Pre- Assessment Results Post Formative Assessment Study Results, adjust curriculum map as needed Unit with Power Standards Next Unit/New Power Standard

22 Departments Identify Power Standards Unwrap Power Standards and translate to student friendly language Review Curriculum Maps for Power Standards and create District Course maps Create a Common Formative Assessment for future unit Collaborative data analysis Update District Course Map as appropriate based on collaborative work & assessment results Math/Language Arts CC Know the Standards Identify Gaps Identify How Gaps will be addressed Resources Instructional Suggestions PD Needed Create/Update District Course Maps linked to Common Core Standards Create Common Assessments to measure how students are achieving on the standards

23 Pre-assessment Smart Technology- Clickers

24 Shared Belief ??? What are common formative assessments? Does your team share the same beliefs?

25 Common Formative Assessments AreAre Not

26 Common Formative Assessments are: Connected to or based upon… Created by… Given on … Administered to… Analyzed by… Used to …

27 Does this match your definition? Common formative assessments in the PLC context “are developed collaboratively in grade-level and department teams and incorporate each team’s collective knowledge and experience in determining the selection, design, and administration of those assessments.” (Ainsworth & Viegut, 2006, p.13)

28 Compare your beliefs with the reading Common Formative Assessments: A Summary What are CFA? What are the benefits of using CFA? (Ainsworth and Viegut, 2006)

29 Guidelines for Designing Common Formative Assessments Read: Guidelines for Designing CFA (Ainworth & Viegut, 2006) Identify action we have already taken/resources we have Use one of your units from your curriculum map (Social Studies)

30 Building our assessment knowledge Reading Jigsaw information Use the Lotus Diagram Definition p.16/ Research p.18 Benefits pp 16-18 Balanced Assessment System pp 19-22 Time p.23/ Collecting Data p.24-25 Grading p.23-24

31 A Balanced Assessment System Classroom Assessments Classroom Assessments Common Formative Assessments Benchmark Assessments External Examplesclickers, exit slips, discussions, quick checks Chapter or Unit exams, projects Performance activity, quiz, Aimsweb STAR Explore/Plan ISAT, PSAE Formative /Summative FormativeSummativeFormativeSummative Whose responsible Teachers Collaborative Teams TeachersTeachers/Ad min PurposeGive immediate feedback For a gradeDetermine if students have learned & how to respond To access student growth/ progress monitor Access student growth/ accountability

32 Post Assessment

33 Protocol for Assessment Development Step 1: Decided What to Access Choose a unit that will be taught in Feb/March Identify critical content/skills from the unit that you will assess Step 2: Decided How to Access Step 3: Designed the Assessment Step 4: Determined the Timeline Step 5: Wrote the Assessment Step 6: Defined “Proficiency”

34 I can define the role of gov’t at the local, state, & national level.

35 Name: _________________________ Class: __________________________ Circle the tertiary colors Red Yellow-orange Blue-green PurpleYellow Violet-red Blue Green

36 /Login /Login Power Standard Essential Questions Content/Skills Assessment Instructional Activities Resources

37 Step 3: Design the Assessment Critical Concept/Skill KnowledgeApplicationAnalysisEvaluation Understands hypothesis 4 M/C Applies hypothesis to a given situation 2 constructed response Knows the steps of the scientific method 5 matching questions Step 6: Identify Proficiency Criteria and Decide How to Gather Data


39 Protocol for Collaborative Data Analysis Step One: Gathering the Data Step Two: Analyzing the Data Step Three: Planning the Response Step Four: Reviewing the Assessment Step Five: Next Steps


41 Step Two: Analyzing the Data Learning Target 1 Learning Target 2 Learning Target 3 Needs Time & Support Student names Needs Time & Support Student names Needs Time & Support Student names Additional Practice Enrichment

42 Collaborative Analysis Student Questions Did the same students miss all the learning targets? What is the percent of students needing additional help? Is additional whole-class instruction needed? Is additional instruction/support needed for only a few? Instructional Questions Were results better for any particular class or skill? Did all team members use the same instructional strategies? Were there any particular differences in strategies/activities that may have influenced the results?

43 Next Steps Finding time to respond Intervention Time Tier 2 Additional time scheduled within the unit

44 Please submit 1 summary evaluation from your school 1.) The 4 sessions scheduled this year were… Not Enough Just Right Too Many Comment: 2.) A ½ day of “content” from the unit office for each session was… Not Enough Time Just Right Too Much Time Comment: 3.) A ½ day of “team time” planned by the BLT was… 4.) The timing (spacing, the months selected) of the workshops was… Too Spread Out Just Right Too Close Together Comment: 5.) These were the things we really liked about this year’s Building Leadership Team workshops that should be continued into next year: Comment: 6.) These are suggested changes for next year’s Building Leadership Team workshops: Comment: 7.) Next year, these are the topics/agenda items that would be most helpful to our team (please be specific regarding content). Comment: 8)Provide any other comments that will help us meet your needs in the future:

45 To Do Between Today and Start of the Year WhatWhoDue/When Reflect on PLC progress this year and determine “next steps” or revisions for next year. BLT and all teachers By end of year Revise/update your school’s data center and balanced scorecard and get it ready for 12-13 BLTBy end of year Revise/update the School Improvement Plan for the 12- 13 school year. BLT By the start of next school year By the start of next school year, share with the entire staff to set and communicate direction:  12-13 School Improvement Plan  12-13 School balanced scorecard and measures  12-13 Revisions to PLC time at your school  12-13 Expectations for continuous improvement implementation to ensure a comprehensive “Classroom Learning Community” (8 components) BLTBy the start of next school year

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