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10 POINTS OF SELF EVALUATION. Did I “Blow” any calls? Were there any times when it was fortunate that I didn’t have to make a call? Did I do everything.

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Presentation on theme: "10 POINTS OF SELF EVALUATION. Did I “Blow” any calls? Were there any times when it was fortunate that I didn’t have to make a call? Did I do everything."— Presentation transcript:


2 Did I “Blow” any calls? Were there any times when it was fortunate that I didn’t have to make a call? Did I do everything I could to ensure a just outcome? Were my calls/decisions consistent?

3 Did I fail to maintain proper control at any time? When did I feel most vulnerable to outside influences? Were there any situations where I avoided or usurped responsibility for a ruling at the expense of another official?

4 Was there anything about my signals, gestures or style that evoked an unexpected or unwanted response? Did I uphold, defend or rationalize any improper rulings? Was there a particular aspect of my performance that I could work on at the next meet?

5 Did I “Blow” any calls? “Blown” calls will always occur It is inexcusable to continue making the same mistakes Identify the “Blown” call, learn why you blew it and how to avoid repeating it

6 Were there any times… fortunate… didn’t… a call? Lapses in concentration Improper position Distractions from your area of jurisdiction ….Coaches always seem to notice WARNING—Sooner or later these will catch up with you !!!

7 Did I do everything I could to ensure a just outcome? Observation and enforcement must be just We are in a position of trust Judgments must be just and bring about a conclusion that reflects the relative performance by participants We must not become a part of the competition

8 Were my calls/decisions consistent? Inconsistency drives coaches crazy !!!!!!!!!

9 Did I fail to maintain proper control at any time? An important part of any official’s job is to control the behavior of the competition, athlete, coach and spectator Arguments and unexpected disruptions often endanger orderliness and proper conclusion Learn from such situations

10 When did I feel most vulnerable to outside influences? At times we experience situations where our confidence waxes and wanes Learn to know when you are most vulnerable so that you can concentrate and “bear down” to follow your own course

11 Were there any situations where I ….at the expense of another….? Avoid any action that might reflect badly upon a fellow official Do not allow a co-worker to take responsibility for a ruling you should have made Do not step in and overrule a partner unless it is done in the interest of the meet, and not any personal motive

12 Was there anything about my signals/gestures….? We are often unaware of how our work appears to others Do not let your work appear, sloppy inappropriate or incompetent Being too relaxed may be read by coaches and others as disinterest Proper attire and demeanor score points with coaches

13 Did I uphold, defend or rationalize any improper rulings? Call what you see, …..and see what you call!!! When a mistake is made, own up….and get it corrected ASAP Accept responsibility for a mistake, rather than penalizing participants by insisting upon its correctness

14 Was there a particular aspect….that I could work on….? If you ever answer “NO”, you are deceiving yourself The perfect meet has yet to be worked Officials who are satisfied with all past performances are either lazy, disinterested or simply haven’t had their weaknesses exploited (they will eventually)

15 Work under the assumption that you are only as good as your next call…. and make every effort to ensure a good one. (That goes double for a good “No call”)

16 10 More Questions Did I………… Arrive at the meet site on time? Dress smartly and appropriately? Conduct or participate in a beneficial pre meet conference? Look confident without appearing over- confident?

17 Give the proper signals (whistles, raised hand etc.) in an appropriate manner? Develop and maintain genuine teamwork with my partners? Maintain proper positioning? Place my hands on an athlete for any reason?

18 Treat all participants with the appropriate amount of respect? Make every effort to defuse potentially volatile situations?

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