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Welcome to Science. The Science of Learning What determines how well you will learn in this course and others? Each person in the group should write at.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Science. The Science of Learning What determines how well you will learn in this course and others? Each person in the group should write at."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Science

2 The Science of Learning What determines how well you will learn in this course and others? Each person in the group should write at least one idea on the whiteboard.

3 A person’s intelligence is a fixed thing and cannot be changed much. A)Strongly Agree B)Mostly Agree C)Mostly Disagree D)Strongly Disagree Think on your own. Place the answer booklet facedown when you are ready. Fixed MindsetGrowth Mindset The Science of Learning

4 Students with Growth Mindset Students with Fixed Mindset



7 The Science of Learning When I study, I practice work that is A)really easy B)fairly easy C)fairly hard D)really hard The Science of Learning

8 Experts are people who have learnt the skills of their field really well – much better than most others. Name an expert. Each person in the group should write at least one idea on the whiteboard. Try to find experts from very different fields. The Science of Learning

9 People become experts mainly through A)Natural talent B)Good teachers/coaches C)Careful practice D)Luck The Science of Learning


11 You must practice deliberately to become an expert Work at what you can’t do yet. Choose quality of work over quantity. Work thoughtfully, with concentration. Work on understanding, not memorizing. The Science of Learning

12 Which of the following will help you understand the material best? A)Reading the textbook B)Answering questions from the textbook C)Explaining an answer to a friend D)Listening to a friend explain the answer. The Science of Learning

13 What determines how well you will learn in this course and others? In your agenda, write three specific new things that you will do to improve your learning this year. The Science of Learning

14 Science is mainly about.... A)a collection of facts B)a collection of theories C)a way of learning

15 Science involves the following activities. In what order do they occur? Observations Predictions Theories Questions Experiments Analysis

16 Do some science. What can you figure out about the plastic object? Making Observations: Work with your group. Write what you have learnt on the whiteboard.

17 Do some science. What can you figure out about the arrangement of cards in the deck? Using Theories to Make Predictions: Look at the cards so far. What do you think will come next? Why? Discuss this with your group. Write your answer on the whiteboard. Do some science.

18 How high will a ball rise after you drop it? Making Scientific Laws: Make measurements and calculations so that you can predict how far it will rise from any starting height. Do some science.

19 How are the ropes connected inside? Making Models: Draw two different ways that they could be connected. Try building a model. Do some science.

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