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JOURNALING TO REMEMBER 5 TH GRADE SCIENCE Presented by Ross Ann Hill, Jeanna Morton, Becky Woodell CAST 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "JOURNALING TO REMEMBER 5 TH GRADE SCIENCE Presented by Ross Ann Hill, Jeanna Morton, Becky Woodell CAST 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 JOURNALING TO REMEMBER 5 TH GRADE SCIENCE Presented by Ross Ann Hill, Jeanna Morton, Becky Woodell CAST 2013

2 Helpful hints for 5 th Graders K eep I t S imple but S timulating Glue: a little dab’l do PATIENCE!!! Spiral journal allows it to be clicked into a 3-ring binder Pre-cut to save time

3 5.5) Matter and Energy. The student knows that matter has measurable physical properties and those properties determine how matter is classified, changed, and used. The student is expected to…

4 5.5 A classify matter based on physical properties, including mass, magnetism, physical state, relative density, solubility in water, and the ability to conduct or insulate thermal or electrical energy

5 All the physical properties in one foldable Easy to review Create each page after the activity or lab

6 use pre-printed pictures helps review the key points

7 Don’t be afraid to draw Take it step by step for students

8 Flaps within flaps

9 Can be used as a quick pop quiz the day after the lab

10 used as an assessment remediate before gluing into the foldable

11 5.6) Force, motion, and energy. The student knows that energy occurs in many forms and can be observed in cycles, patterns, and systems. The student is expected to…

12 5.6 A explore the uses of energy, including mechanical, light, thermal, electrical, and sound energy


14 5.6 B demonstrate that the flow of electricity in circuits requires a complete path through which an electric current can pass and can produce light, heat, and sound

15 Students add to the page as they learn 1.Circuit activity 2.Light bulb demo 3.Hot plate demo 4.Sound demo

16 5.6 C demonstrate that light travels in a straight line until it strikes an object or travels through one medium to another and demonstrate that light can reflect such as the use of mirrors or other shiny surfaces and refracted such as the appearance of an object when observed through water

17 reflect and refract convex and concave prism, ROY G BIV light waves sum up a lot of learning on one page A great review tool before the STAAR

18 5.7) Earth and Space. The student knows Earth’s surface is constantly changing and consists of useful resources. The student is expected to…

19 5.7 A explore the processes that led to the formation of sedimentary rocks and fossil fuels

20 Sedimentary *erosion *deposition *compaction *cementation I teach the whole rock system, not just sedimentary. I like for them to see the whole process. Then narrow down on sedimentary and transition to coal/fossil fuels. Outside – create a key Inside – leave blank so they can study.

21 lead them through drawing allows students to have ownership over their learning discuss each step as you go

22 5.7 B recognize how landforms such as deltas, canyons, and sand dunes are the result of changes to Earth’s surface by wind, water, and ice


24 5.7 C identify alternative energy sources such as wind, solar, hydroelectric, geothermal, and biofuels

25 Use as a progress check after students have seen pictures and watched a video, they label their drawing. Include advantages and disadvantages Use with wind, solar, hydro, geo, and bio

26 Used as an assessment cut & paste activity students place info in correct column teacher checks and takes grade before pasting student corrects errors then pastes

27 5.8) Earth and Space. The student knows that there are recognizable patterns in the natural world and among the Sun, Earth, and Moon system. The student is expected to…

28 5.8 C demonstrate that earth rotates on its axis once approximately every 24 hours causing the day/night cycle and the apparent movement of the Sun across the sky

29 The Earth orbits around the Sun and the Moon orbits around the Earth Can be used for : day/night cycle 24 hour rotation model layers of Earth & Sun comparing Moon and Earth tides

30 5.9) Organisms and environments. The student knows that there are relationships, systems, and cycles within environments. The student is expected …

31 5.9 A observe the way organisms live and survive in their ecosystem by interacting with the living and non-living elements

32 Students choose their own organism Take it step- by-step from organism to ecosystem

33 5.9 B describe how the flow of energy derived from the sun, used by producers to create their own food, is transferred through a food chain and food web to consumers and decomposers

34 Use familiar pictures to jog their memory Complete the activity on the website

35 5.10) Organisms and environments. The student knows that organisms undergo similar life processes and have structures that help them survive within their environments. The student is expected to…

36 5.10 A Compare the structure and functions of different species that help them live and survive such as hooves on prairie animals or webbed feet in aquatic animals

37 Students describe the structure and function of the body part

38 5.10 B differentiate between inherited traits of plants and animals such as spines on a cactus or shape of a beak and learned behaviors such as an animal learning tricks or a child riding a bicycle

39 Students create a t-chart Use during an open notes quiz

40 Images are from various websites or personal work and are intended for educational purposes only. Becky Woodell 5 th Grade Science Idalou Middle School Idalou, Texas Happy Journaling

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