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Technology of Acoustic Influence for Production Optimization of Oil, Gas and Water Wells. Optimizing the effectiveness of oil, gas and water wells on different.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology of Acoustic Influence for Production Optimization of Oil, Gas and Water Wells. Optimizing the effectiveness of oil, gas and water wells on different."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology of Acoustic Influence for Production Optimization of Oil, Gas and Water Wells. Optimizing the effectiveness of oil, gas and water wells on different stages of their exploitation is one of the directions in water, oil and gas production, that show considerable promise. For that reason, active work in this field has always been conducted by research of scientific and engineering centres. The result of this work is rather big quantity of various methods that are now used in different corners of the world.

2 DFM Technology The most progressive method - the acoustic one - has been used by us to create the DFM-technology i.e. technology of acoustic influence on the productive strata. The technology uses the ultrasound, which is irradiated by specially developed piezoceramics. The DFM-technology allows to increase production in several times (30-300 percent) for oil, gas and water wells. It is made through breaking up the clogged strata zones and the ones with poor permeability. The DFM is based on using the MF ultrasound pulses. It is covered by patents of Russia and Ukraine and is characterized by absolute ecological safety, high effectiveness and low power inputs. An important asset of the DFM-technology is that the extraction is stopped only for a short time exploitation of a developed well. Effect increases for a long time, depending on the geological and production characteristics of strata.

3 Perforation Downhole module WELL Production string


5 DFM Technology DFM Technology For more than 5 years, we has been using the DFM - technology at various oil, gas and water fields both in Ukraine and abroad. Within this period, we have managed to achieve serious success in terms of development of the technique and equipment.

6 COMPARISON OF TECHNOLOGIES advantages DFM–ultrasoundChemical Hydraulic method Condition of oil production while execution of well cleanup works stopped only for a short time stoppage of oil production, work of well Increase of oil production30-300%15-50%up to 50% Well cleanup works duration2-3 daysUp to 1 month5-7 days Environmental safetysafeharmful Guarantee and effectivenesshIghmediumlow Works safety levelhighmediumlow Manpower resources2 persons2-3 persons3-4 persons Energy consumptionlow high Influence upon the equipment, structure of layersdoes not influencecauses the corrosion of the equipment causes crevice appearance in the equipment, deformation of layers

7 Advantages: Increased acoustic power; Simplified service maintenance of the generator; The generator is overvoltage and temperature resistant; No vacuum in a zone of enhancement ; Guaranteed increase of production resource of the radiator; Smaller dimensions; Lower electricity consumption.

8 1. ACOUSTIC RADIATOR diameter: 44 mm (1 3/4" = 1.75 ") length: up to 1.5 m (5 feet) weight: up to 10 kg (22 pounds) It is made of corrosion resistant material 2. ELECTRIC CABLE with three phases conductors lines 3. GENERATOR dimensions: 45х30х45 sm weight: <25 kg (55 pounds) Technical Specification

9 Tatarstan Russia Poltavagazvidobuvanya Ukraina

10 Ukrgasvidobuvanya Ukraina

11 Ommdurman water well Khartoum State Water Corp.

12 According to the recommendations on al-around effectiveness evaluation, economic effect from the carrying out the work pursuant to DFM technology is determined by showing the economic effect. Calculation of the effectiveness is based on index of a daily oil (gas) production before and after DFM -technology was used during a certain period of time. Economic Effectiveness of Applying DFM -technology

13 Assuming: Тd = 6 * 30 = 180 (days). Qo = 30 t/d. Qав = 50 t/d. P = 430 $/t. ( 68 $/bar. ) Then: We define additional production DQ = 20 t/d.( + 65% ) Cost Estimation Ce = 20*430*180*=1 580 000 $. The economic analysis is evidence of high profitability and payback of DFM -technology used on oil-wells. Calculation of Economic Effectiveness of Applying DFM at Oil Wells

14 Well depth; The level of static (the level of liquid in the well) and dynamic pressures; Wellbottom zone temperature; Perforation intervals; Tubing running depth; Tubing pipes diameter (is natural flow free); Project site information (name and date of the formation in the perforation zone); Well commissioning date and initial well production rate; History and dates of the bottom-hole formation treatment activities (acidizing, surfactant treatment, etc.); Dates of the latest well-logging measurements; Current well production rate (before ultrasound application); Presence of any oil-water contact in the perforation zone (if yes, its location is to be specified). Hydrocarbon-type composition of the oil. Note: more important factors from these specifications are: Density, gas factor, content of the water (per cent) Required Preliminary Information on Wells

15 Accessways are required to reach the platform for equipment installation (jacking log-processing station, portable log-processing laboratory and jacking lubricator installation). Calibering is required before the start of the works in order to provide free access of geophysical equipment and ultrasonic transducer to the perforation zone. Well treatment zone should not be blanked off by tubing string pipes. The treated wells may be the ones that are: - currently exploited; - under major overhaul. The treatment zone is to contain liquid medium. The level of liquid in the treatment zone should exceed the treatment zone. Requirements to Wells Being Enhanced

16 Our technology allows to use the old well and maximally exploitation of their primary opportunities. This examples prove high and rapid economic effectiveness of applying DFM-technology on oil and gas wells, even in case of comparatively insignificant increase of production and minimal period of treatment.

17 The DFM-technology has been successfully tested on gas condensate and oil fields of Ukraine and Russia. Considerable well and hydrocarbons production increase (from 30 up to 300 percent) has been achieved, which is supported by the certificates of intake capacity tests of KHARKOVGAZDOBYCHA, UKRNIIGAZ and TATNIPINEFT and many others. Out of an experimental method, the DFM has become an industrial highly effective and developed technology. For the present, our organization is the leader in the field of acoustic influence technologies in Ukraine.


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