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Religion and Life Key Words. A married person having sex with someone other than their marriage partner  Is it –Promiscuity –Adultery –Pre-marital sex.

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Presentation on theme: "Religion and Life Key Words. A married person having sex with someone other than their marriage partner  Is it –Promiscuity –Adultery –Pre-marital sex."— Presentation transcript:

1 Religion and Life Key Words

2 A married person having sex with someone other than their marriage partner  Is it –Promiscuity –Adultery –Pre-marital sex  Adultery

3 The idea that the soul lives on after the death of the body  Is it –Resurrection –Immortality  Immortality

4 Ending someone’s life painlessly when they are not able to ask, but you have good reason to believe that they would want you to do so (e.g. switching off a life – support machine)  Is it –Assisted suicide –Non-voluntary euthanasia –Voluntary euthanasia  Non-voluntary euthanasia

5 The belief that, after death, the body stays in the grave until the end of the world, when it is raised  Is it –Resurrection –Immortality  Resurrection

6 Having sex with a number of partners without wanting a relationship  Is it –Adultery –Promiscuity –Faithfulness  Promiscuity

7 Where 2 sets of children become one family when their divorced parents marry each other  Is it –Remarriage –Re-constituted family  Re-constituted family

8 Providing a person with the means to commit suicide  Is it –Euthanasia –Assisted suicide –Voluntary euthanasia  Assisted suicide

9 The belief that life is holy and belongs to God  Is it –Benevolent –Faithfulness –Sanctity of life  Sanctity of life

10 An easy and gentle death  Is it –Promiscuity –Euthanasia  Euthanasia

11 The study of unexplained things like ghosts & mediums who say they can contact the spirits of the dead  Is it –Numinous –Sanctity of life –Paranormal  Paranormal

12 Staying with your marriage partner and not having sex with anyone else  Is it –Faithfulness –Adultery –Remarriage  Faithfulness

13 The situation where someone dying in pain asks a doctor to end his or her life painlessly  Is it –Assisted suicide –Non-voluntary euthanasia –Voluntary euthanasia  Voluntary euthanasia

14 Marrying (someone else) again after being divorced  Is it –Remarriage –Adultery  Remarriage

15 The feeling you get when you are in a great cathedral or look up at the stars & feel that there is something much greater than you  Is it –Conversion –Numinous  Numinous

16 Believing that God does not exist  Is it –Atheism –Agnosticism  Atheism

17 The belief that God is all powerful, he can do anything  Is it –Omnipotent –Omniscient –Benevolent  Omnipotent

18 The right to practise your religion and change your religion  Is it –Religious freedom –Religious pluralism  Religious freedom

19 The belief that God knows everything that has happened and is going to happen  Is it –Omnipotent –Benevolent –Omniscient  Omniscient

20 When your life is changed by giving yourself to God  Is it –Immortality –Conversion –Numinous  Conversion

21 Accepting all religions as having an equal right to co-exist  Is it –Religious freedom –Religious pluralism  Religious pluralism

22 Not being sure whether God exists  Is it –Agnosticism –Atheism  Agnosticism

23 The belief that God is good and kind  Is it –Omnipotent –Omniscient –Benevolent  Benevolent

24 Many different races & cultures living together in one society  Is it –Multi-ethnic society –Racial harmony  Multi-ethnic society

25 Different races living happily together  Is it –Multi-ethnic society –Racism –Racial harmony  Racial Harmony

26 The idea that everything has been started off by something else  Is it –Causation –Conversion  Causation

27 The belief that some races are superior to others  Is it –Sanctity of life –Racial harmony –Racism  Racism

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