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The United States Enters World War I By Art Lewandowski Fostoria High School.

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1 The United States Enters World War I By Art Lewandowski Fostoria High School

2 What Does The U.S. Do?  Remain Neutral? – U.S. has mixed feelings- a nation of immigrants, support Germany? – This was Europe’s war, stay out? – Germany the “bully of Europe”

3 Pushing the U.S. to War  British Blockade of Germ -no supplies in or out of Germany -Americans begin to take a side  German Submarine Warfare -starting to affect American shipping  Lusitania sunk (May 1915) by u-boats – Germans promise to stop sub warfare……..  British Propaganda


5 Executed for helping British Troops escape Belgium, 1915, publicized world-wide

6 Pushing the U.S. to War  The Zimmerman Note (Jan 1917): -Germany sends message to Mexico: “ We are resuming sub warfare, Help us beat the U.S. and we’ll give you back the American west.” -America reacts….  Congress Declares War on Germany (April 1917)…why Germany and not UK?  The Russian Revolution 1917: severely weakens Russia – Russia has to make peace treaty with Central powers – w/draws from combat& the Allies begin to struggle

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