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Educators Bullying Students By Angel Bentley Angry teacher image courtesy of Dreamstime Teacher image courtesy from Dreamstime

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Presentation on theme: "Educators Bullying Students By Angel Bentley Angry teacher image courtesy of Dreamstime Teacher image courtesy from Dreamstime"— Presentation transcript:

1 Educators Bullying Students By Angel Bentley Angry teacher image courtesy of Dreamstime Teacher image courtesy from Dreamstime

2  A bullying teacher is defined as a teacher who uses their power to punish, manipulate or ridicule a student beyond the consider disciplinary procedures.(Tmelow, 2006.)  Types of bullying:  Sarcasm  Name calling  Humiliating students who perceive as having potential behavioral problems in the classroom(Slyvester, 2011.) Do educators really bully students?

3  30 surveys were done by students at OU:  6 people out of 30 reported that they were bullied by a teacher.  5 out of 6 bullied by teachers in high school.  4 out of 6 had some idea why they were being bullied.  2 told a parent; 2 stood up for themselves; 1 cried; and 1 did not care. Primary Research: College students image from Dreamstime

4 I believe that the people who reported being bullied by a teacher in high school because high school is kids think it is cool to defiantly disobey teachers and other school officials.  So, high school teachers have to use some type of forceful discipline to make their students listen. Analysis: Teenagers image courtesy of Dreamstime

5  No one reported of being bullied by a professor here at OU. Analysis: College Students image courtesy of Dreamstime

6  In 2008, 50 children from an alternative education setting were surveyed, ages 11 to 18 years reported being bullied by a teacher.(Whitfield, 2008.)  86% had at least one incident were a teacher bullied them.  88% reported being bullied psychologically by a teacher.  Twice as many students reported being bullied more by a teacher than a peer. Secondary Research: Sad kids image courtsesy from Dreamstime

7  Is teacher bullying an effective way to teach?  What are the effects?  Does it increase higher grades?  Does it cause better classroom behavior amongst students ? Discussion: Classroom image courtesy from Dreamstime

8  Whitted, K. (2008, March 1). Do teachers bully students? Education and Urban Society, 40(3), 329. Retrieved March 14, 2014:  Tmelow, S. W., Fongay, P., Sacco, F., Brethaur, J., & John, R. Teachers who bully: a hidden trauma. the International Journal of Social Psychiarty, 52(3), 187-198. Retrieved March 14, 2014:  Slyvester, R (2011). Teacher as bully: knowingly or unintentionally. Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin: the international journal of educators, 77 (2), 42-45. Retrieved March 13, 2014:  Dreamtime Images (2014) Retrieved March  28,2014: 63 References:

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