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Liberalism liberalism Most in churches of Christ will lose their souls, Rom. 2:28, 29  Different “types” ­ Instrumental.

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Presentation on theme: "Liberalism liberalism Most in churches of Christ will lose their souls, Rom. 2:28, 29  Different “types” ­ Instrumental."— Presentation transcript:

1 liberalism

2 liberalism Most in churches of Christ will lose their souls, Rom. 2:28, 29  Different “types” ­ Instrumental music ­ One-cup, no class ­ Premillennial

3 liberalism Most in churches of Christ will lose their souls, Rom. 2:28, 29  Two main groups from 50s-60s division ­ Institutional ­ Non-institutional

4 liberalism Our desire: be exactly what the Bible reveals  To honor our Savior  To go to heaven  To teach others

5 liberalism

6 Modern dictionary definitions  Liberal: “open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values”  Conservative: “holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation…”

7 liberalism Liberalism in American politics  Liberal: Constitution is outdated –Govt. should provide social programs –Pornography is free speech –Speech about God is violation of rights

8 liberalism Liberalism in American politics  Conservative: Constitution is sound –Govt. has few roles: national defense –Free speech includes criticizing govt. –Speech about God is essential

9 liberalism Liberalism in Churches of Christ, 2 Jn. 9-11  No authority needed, cf. Col. 3:17  Must keep up with the times, cf. 1 Pt. 1:22-25  No difference in individuals & churches, cf. 1 Tim. 5:16  New Testament is a love letter, not law, cf. Jas. 1:25  Only the “core” gospel matters, cf. Mt. 28:18-20

10 liberalism Pattern for the ark, Gen. 6  Material, Gen. 6:14  Dimensions, Gen. 6:15  Decks, Gen. 6:16  Followed, Gen. 6:22

11 liberalism Pattern for the tabernacle, Ex. 25  According to the pattern, Ex. 25:8, 9  Ark, Ex. 25:10  Table, Ex. 25:23  Lampstand, Ex. 25:31  According to the pattern, Ex. 25:40

12 liberalism Patterns in the New Testament 2 Tim. 1:13; 2:5; 3:16, 17  Doctrine, 1 Pt. 4:11  Plan of salvation, Acts 2:38; 3:19; 8:12  Worship, 1 Cor. 14:23-40; cf. 4:17

13 liberalism Consequences for violating the pattern  Ark material: oak, pine, hickory?  Nadab & Abihu, Lev. 10:1-3  Uzzah, Ex. 25:12-14; 2 Sam. 6:1-7  New Testament, Gal. 1:6-9; 5:4; Rev. 22:18, 19

14 liberalism The way to establish authority  Direct statement, Acts 3:19  Approved apostolic example, 1 Cor. 11:1  Necessary implication, Mt. 22:29-32

15 liberalism There are limits on establishing authority  Generic –Build, Gen. 6:14 ∙Hammer ∙Saw ∙Location

16 liberalism There are limits on establishing authority  Generic –Assemble, Heb. 10:24, 25 ∙Time of day, Acts 20:7 ∙Location ∙Order of assembly activities

17 liberalism There are limits on establishing authority  Specific –Gopher wood, Gen. 6:14 ∙All other woods unlawful –Red heifer, Num. 19:2 ∙All other colors unlawful –Fruit of the vine, Mt. 26:29 ∙All other liquids unlawful


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