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Ilkka Nurmi. Contents: History1 3D-modeling2 Construction industry models3,4 Publishing medias5 Software6 Pros7 Cons8 The Future?9 Companies10 Summary11.

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Presentation on theme: "Ilkka Nurmi. Contents: History1 3D-modeling2 Construction industry models3,4 Publishing medias5 Software6 Pros7 Cons8 The Future?9 Companies10 Summary11."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ilkka Nurmi

2 Contents: History1 3D-modeling2 Construction industry models3,4 Publishing medias5 Software6 Pros7 Cons8 The Future?9 Companies10 Summary11

3 History 1960 IBM develops DAC-1 1970 Development trials, economic problems 1976 <30% of architects and engineers work with computers 1980 CAD-design becomes the norm 1982 Autodesk AutoCAD published 1/11

4 About 3D-modeling Digital saving, dimensions Ease, updateability, mobility Visual and informative Rotation, viewpoints, materials, lighting Interior (vs. miniatures) Safe to try out changes Previously used a lot in marketing 2/11

5 Construction industry models (1/2) Visualisation model 3/11

6 Construction industry models (2/2) Information model 4/11

7 Publishing medias Newspapers Brochures Internet Animation Panorama-images Construction sites 5/11

8 Software Autodesk AutoCAD JCAD Autodesk 3ds Max Autodesk VIZ Graphisoft ArchiCAD Autodesk Revit Architecture 6/11

9 Pros CAD-modeling is very precise Graphic information + measuring data Makes working easier Shortens working time Reliable and precise Effiency of three dimensions 7/11

10 Cons Demands more from the designer Unprecise drawings/plans File-converting errors 8/11

11 The future? Constant development of the 3d-field Growing demands Augmented reality 9/11

12 Companies 10/11

13 Summary Massive development 3D-modeling significant in the industry Precise models Time saver Great help in marketing Efficiency 11/11

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