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International Agriculture AGED 4713 International Panel: Mexico Ivette Rubio Fall 2002.

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1 International Agriculture AGED 4713 International Panel: Mexico Ivette Rubio Fall 2002

2 Mexican History 1500’s Spain Prehispanic culture: from 2000 bc  Tolteca  Olmeca  Maya  Aztec  Zapoteca  Mixteca  Totonaca

3 Geographic data 3 Area: 1,972,550 sq. Km 3 32 States 3 1 Federal District Every State divided in “Municipios” (counties)

4 Population 98.5 million inhabitants  11 th most populated country in the world  Population density: 50 people per sq.kilometer  Range: 15 to 5 587 p/sq km  Population growth rate: 1.6  74 % Population living in urban areas  26% Population living in rural areas (24 millions) Source:

5 Facts about Mexican population  Official and business language: Spanish  Several Indigenous languages  Nahuatl, Mayan, Zapotec, Mixtec, Otomie, Tarahumara, Yaqui  Diverse Population:  60%, mestizo (Amerindian-Spanish)  30%, Amerindian or predominantly Amerindian  10 % full blood Mexican indigenous  9% white  1% other

6 Economy F Mexico´s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) amounted to 915 billion dollars in 2000 GDP per capita $9,100

7 Grains harvested in 1999 Source:

8 Facts about Mexican Agriculture 4 85 % cropping on rainfed land & 15 % irrigated 4Rainfed land: 4 30 % good 4 53 % fair 4 17 % poor 4 Tractors 1.8/100 Ag. Labor 4 Combine 1/1000 Ag. Labor 4Annual Income/farmer ~$2000 Dollars

9 Livestock Production, National consumption (Import and domestic) and world rank 1999

10 Meat Consumption 52 kg (114.5 lb) Per capita

11 The Education System in Mexico

12 Some data about Education in Mexico  1921 66 % literacy  1995 91 % Literacy  90 % 15 years old people finish elementary school  45 % 16 to 18 yr. people are in upper secondary  1.4 millions of teachers and professors  212 thousand education centers (all levels) Source:

13 The structure of Mexican Education  Preschool ( 3-5 years old)  Elementary 6 levels (6-11 yrs)  Lower Secondary 3 levels (12-14 yr.)  Upper Secondary or High school 3 levels (15-17 yr.)  Technological Upper Secondary or Technical Professional 3 levels  Universities, Technological Institutes, Teacher education Colleges 4 to 5 years (18- 24 years old)  Graduate Studies: Specialization, Master and Ph.D.. Source:

14 Enrollment in National Education System 28.5 millions of students Source:

15 International Ag. Trade

16 Agricultural Trade and NAFTA  Mexico Third largest foreign importer from U.S u After Japan and Canada Second largest foreign supplier of Ag. Products to U.S. After Canada  Total US Ag. exports to Mexico : 10 % meat and meat products 17 % seed 22 % live animals 22 % dairy products 43 % sorghum

17 Agricultural Trade and NAFTA FOver a third of U.S Ag. Imports came from Mexico: –20 % of coffee –36 % live animals –10 % fruit juice –50 % Melons FU.S. Is the main market for Mexican Ag Exports: –95 % Horticultural products –75 % Coffee –50 % Live animals –98 % Beer –56 % Sugar –80 % Tequila

18 Agricultural Trade 2001 Source:

19 Any Questions ?

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