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The e-census challenge: how web affects quality The Italian experience with a local focus on Tuscany L. Porciani; L. Faustini; A. Valentini; B.M. Martelli Istat Session 31 - Quality Aspects when using Administrative Sources 04 June 2014, Vienna
Summary The e-census challenge: how web affects quality. The Italian experience with a local focus on Tuscany Official statistics and web data collection in Italy Population and Housing Census & Enterprises Census The Italian response to web data collection mode Data quality management in e-census Discussion and future research 1 2 3 4 5
Official statistics and web data collection The e-census challenge: how web affects quality. The Italian experience with a local focus on Tuscany Social environment Statistical environment 1 Evolution of technology Changes in lifestyles Widespread use of Internet by people and entreprises Development of e-Government Cutting down expenses (mainly human costs) Decreasing statistical burden Increasing timeliness Reducing workload of the local actors Promotion of web data collection tecniques in Official Statistics
2011 Italian Census Population and Housing / Enterprises Census The e-census challenge: how web affects quality. The Italian experience with a local focus on Tuscany 2 Main innovations: From a totally door-to-door census to an assisted [by census lists] e-census Mixed- mode channel of restitution [paper, web, enumerator and postal office] Sampling strategy Survey Management System [SGR]
2011 Italian Census Population and Housing / Enterprises Census The e-census challenge: how web affects quality. The Italian experience with a local focus on Tuscany NationalLocal 2 Mass media communication [Journal/Radio/Television] Promotional contest [for children and teenagers] Differentiated payment strategies + web response - > + payment Local mass media communication [ethnic journal/radio/television] Web promotional contest [I- phone prize] Open informative meeting
The Italian response to web DCM The e-census challenge: how web affects quality. The Italian experience with a local focus on Tuscany 3
The Italian response to web DCM The e-census challenge: how web affects quality. The Italian experience with a local focus on Tuscany 3 WRR = web response rate Observation units are Italian NUTS-2 (regions: [20 units]) Covariates (x) are: 6 for Population and Housing Census; 3 for Enterprises Census Dichotomization of covariates [based on median values] Model and all covariates are statistically significant (p< 0.0001)
The Italian response to web DCM The e-census challenge: how web affects quality. The Italian experience with a local focus on Tuscany Population and Housing Census 3 Ageing Index [Age] Foreigner quota [Foreigners] Average family size [Family] Quota of municipalities over than 20.000 inhab. - [Large Munic] ICT users quota [ICT] Ex-post evaluation level of web mode data collection [Evaluation] Foreigner quota of entrepreneur [Foreigners] Quota of enterprises with 10 or more persons employed [Large Enter] ICT users quota [ICT] Enterprises Census
Questionnaire investigated the satisfaction of census process in terms of: 1. data collection aspects 2. office organization (back and front office work, enumerators) 3. context appreciation to census activities (mass-media interest, advertising campaign) 4. census innovations (mail-out of questionnaire, web-based response, etc...) 5. suitability of SGR tool (data visualization, data processing) submitted to qualified census operators via a web technique the rate of response was 94.6% for national level Empirical approach: ex post evaluation surveys 4 The e-census challenge: how web affects quality. The Italian experience with a local focus on Tuscany
Main results Scarce interest for the internet channel Criticisms about data collection of unoccupied dwellings [problem already emerged during the field work and paradata analysis] Low appreciation of mail-out (despite the good quality of road-map indicators) Limited appreciation of the [istitutional] context Empirical approach: ex post evaluation surveys 4 The e-census challenge: how web affects quality. The Italian experience with a local focus on Tuscany
The Italian response to web DCM 3 Population and Housing Census The e-census challenge: how web affects quality. The Italian experience with a local focus on Tuscany
The Italian response to web DCM 3 Enterprises Census The e-census challenge: how web affects quality. The Italian experience with a local focus on Tuscany
Internet penetration is not the only factor which affects the web response [coverage issue] Socio-demographic characteristics seems to be more crucial to determine the web response quota Regarding population, an aged sociey with smaller families settled in smaller cities is less confortable with web tools Regarding enterprises, the habits of using Internet and working in large enterprises push them towards a wider use of web response Ex post evaluation instruments confirm their central role for future surveys and census planning Web response analysis: main results 3 The e-census challenge: how web affects quality. The Italian experience with a local focus on Tuscany
Focus on Tuscany PHC web response The e-census challenge: how web affects quality. The Italian experience with a local focus on Tuscany 3 Tuscany PHC web response is the lowest in the whole country, the ICT penetration rate is above the average national level (54.7% versus 52.5%) 24.3% Regional web response rates distribution
Focus on Tuscany PHC web response The e-census challenge: how web affects quality. The Italian experience with a local focus on Tuscany 3 WRR = quota of web respondent Observation units are Municipalities of Tuscany [287 units] – LAU2 4 covariates Ageing Index [Age] Foreigner quota [Foreigners] Average family size [Family] Municipalities size [Size Munic] Dichotomization of covariates [based on median values] Model and all covariates are statistically significant (p< 0.0001)
Focus on Tuscany PHC web response 3 The e-census challenge: how web affects quality. The Italian experience with a local focus on Tuscany
The Italian response to web DCM The e-census challenge: how web affects quality. The Italian experience with a local focus on Tuscany 3 Web responses are linked to some characteristics of population and enterprises The presence of foreigners has a negative impact both for population and enterprises. On the other side, the higher is the habit to use ICT the higher is the propensity to web response. And specifically in case of population, a more traditional society (aged and with bigger family size) living in smaller municipalities is less attracted by web tools. Nevertheless, a good appreciation of web instruments by census operators promotes a better performance of e-census in case of enterprises, larger enterprises are more confortable to work with web tools
Top-down approach Researcher selects DQ attributes Top-down approach How data become weak during data collection process Bottom up approach Investigation of users/researcher opinions about DQ attributes Field work Paradata tool Ad hoc survey on operators Intuitive Theoretical Empirical Data quality management in e-census 4 The e-census challenge: how web affects quality. The Italian experience with a local focus on Tuscany
Matrix quality indicators/actions Intuitive approach: field work 4 The e-census challenge: how web affects quality. The Italian experience with a local focus on Tuscany
Thereotical approach: paradata The e-census challenge: how web affects quality. The Italian experience with a local focus on Tuscany Dashboard indicators 4 Real time -> to realize an immediate set of interventions to increase general census performance Road-map indicators Ex post indicator -> actions planned to prevent critical situations and to reengineer the process - Rate of postal delivery (percentages) - Questionnaires by channel of answer (percentages)
The set of tools introduced is valid to easily point out the criticalities through simple indicators promote best practices in data collection more consciously monitor the field work and, finally assess data and process quality Discussion and proposal 5 The e-census challenge: how web affects quality. The Italian experience with a local focus on Tuscany Ex post and in itinere analysis of results could be a key factor for better planning and realizing the continuous [rolling] censuses, which will be paperless
Discussion and proposal 5 The e-census challenge: how web affects quality. The Italian experience with a local focus on Tuscany Availability of census micro data could represent a good opportunity to include other covariates in the web response rate model [age; work activities and level of education of the family head; innovation propensity, localization, outsourcing quota of enterprises…] Detailed information about the response process [place of compilation? help from who?] could represent useful information to enrich the understanding of web data collection mode
Thanks for your attention! Linda Porciani, The e-census challenge: how web affects quality. The Italian experience with a local focus on Tuscany
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