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ERASMUS MUNDUS Bratislava, 19 April 2005 Aurora Iglesias Ortego DG Education & Culture.

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Presentation on theme: "ERASMUS MUNDUS Bratislava, 19 April 2005 Aurora Iglesias Ortego DG Education & Culture."— Presentation transcript:

1 ERASMUS MUNDUS Bratislava, 19 April 2005 Aurora Iglesias Ortego DG Education & Culture

2 ERASMUS MUNDUS GENESIS 3Article 149 of EC Treaty: enhance quality of education 3Lisbon, Bologna/Prague, G8 … 3Commission Comunication on reinforcing co-operation with third countries 3Intercultural dialogue: new polítical priority

3 MAIN CHALLENGES 3Prepare citizens for a global society 3Ensure world-wide recognition of European Universities as centres of excellency 3Remain at the leading edge of developments 3Contribute to intercultural understanding ERASMUS MUNDUS

4 OVERALL AIM 3Improve quality of higher education in Europe. 3Promote intercultural understanding through co-operation with third countries. ERASMUS MUNDUS

5 SPECIFIC AIMS 3Promote European quality offer in higher education 3Encourage incoming mobility of third-country graduate students and scholars EFTA/EEA 3Foster structured co-operation with third-country higher education institutions 3Improve profile, visibility and accessibility of European higher education in the world ERASMUS MUNDUS

6 TARGET COUNTRIES 3EU Member States (25) 3Candidate countries (maybe as of 2006) 3EFTA/EEA countries 3Third countries ERASMUS MUNDUS

7 PARTICIPANTS 3Higher Education institutions 3Graduate students 3Scholars 3Higher Education staff 3Public and private bodies active in higher education (only Action 4)

8 ERASMUS MUNDUS Programme Actions 3Action 1: Erasmus Mundus Master courses 3Action 2: Scholarships 3Action 3: Partnerships 3Action 4: Enhance attractiveness of European Higher Education

9 Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses Corner-stone of the programme Support of high-quality Masters Courses of 1 to 2 years (60 to 120 ECTS credits) offered by a consortium of at least 3 higher education institutions from 3 different European countries Any discipline Masters Courses must be fully operational at time of application Selected for five years  no substantial change of the Course during that period ERASMUS MUNDUS Action 1

10 Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses Consist of an integrated study programme:  Joint admission and examination criteria  Delivery of a jointly developed curriculum or full recognition of courses delivered separately, but making up a common Course  Study period in at least two institutions  Award of a joint, a double or a multiple degree officially recognised in the countries where the degree-awarding institutions are located  Offer the use of at least 2 EU languages (not necessarily 2 languages of instruction) ERASMUS MUNDUS Action 1

11 Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses Preparatory year:  Masters Course must be fully developed at time of application  Masters Course selected for five years (1 preparatory year + 4 “normal” years)  Serves the purpose of preparing the consortium to host third- country participants  Action 2 is not implemented  Can be used to fix final details (e.g. appointment of professors)  Masters Course can run with European students during preparatory year ERASMUS MUNDUS Action 1

12 Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses Participate in third-country mobility scheme:  Masters Courses are open to third-country graduate students and scholars  Joint application and selection process for third- country participants  High-quality hosting and welcome services and facilities ERASMUS MUNDUS Action 1

13 Scholarships Linked to Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses Grants for incoming third-country graduate students of high academic quality to follow the Masters Course (for definition of student see art. 2 of Decision) Grants for incoming third-country scholars of high academic quality to carry out teaching or research assignments for the Masters Course (for definition of scholar see art. 2 of Decision) 10 to 30 third-country students per Masters Course and year 3 to 5 third-country scholars per Masters Course and year ERASMUS MUNDUS Action 2

14 Scholarships Erasmus Mundus consortia and Commission publicise selected Masters Courses world-wide Students and scholars apply directly to consortia Consortia select students and scholars and propose a list of grantees, including a reserve list, to the Commission Consortia ensure a geographical balance :  No more than 25% of third-country students from the same country  No more than 10% of third-country students from the same institution  Each third-country scholar from a different country ERASMUS MUNDUS Action 2

15 Funding 3Students mobility: 21.000€ per student for a one- year course 3(1.600€ x 10 months plus a fixed amount of 5.000€ for travel expenses, tuition fees, etc. 3Scholars mobility: 13.000€ por scholar 3 (4.000€ x 3 months plus a fixed amount of 1.000€ for travel expenses) 3Grants are paid to grantees by consortia ERASMUS MUNDUS Acción 2

16 Partnerships 3Between an Erasmus Mundus consortium and at least a HE institution in a third country. 3Grants for EU-students and EU-scholars involved in Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses for mobility period (3 months) at third-country partner institution. 3Recognition of study periods acquired at the third-country partner institution 35 EU students per year and institution and 3 EU scholars per year and consortium. 3Teachers’ exchanges, development and dissemination of new methodologies in higher education, development of co-operation schemes with third-country institutions, etc. ERASMUS MUNDUS Action 3

17 Financing 35.000€ per third country institution (max 15.000€ per year and consortium) 3Students mobility: 3.100€ per student/year 3(700€ x 3 months plus a fixed amount of 1.000€). 3Scholars mobility: 13.000€ per scholar 3 (4.000€ x 3 months plus a fixed amount of 1.000€ for travel expensespara gastos de viaje) 3Grants are paid to grantees by consortia. ERASMUS MUNDUS Acción 3

18 Enhancing Attractiveness 3Addressed to Higher Education institutions and other public or private organisations 3At least 3 organisations from 3 different European countries 3Participation of third-country institutions possible 3Activities can take place everywhere in the world 3Duration: 1 to 3 years ERASMUS MUNDUS Action 4

19 Enhancing Attractiveness 3Promoting European higher education in the world: seminars, conferences, fairs, publications, information and dissemination tools, etc 3Access for third-country students to European higher education: pedagogic tools for language training and cultural preparation, more effective methods of hosting and integrating third-country students, services facilitating mobility, etc 3Complementary activities: surveys and studies, mutual recognition of qualifications with third countries, international dimension of quality assurance, curriculum developement, etc. ERASMUS MUNDUS Action 4

20 Funding 3Grants amounts vary according to size of the project 3EU grants do not exceed 75% of eligible project costs ERASMUS MUNDUS Action 4

21 Selection Results 336 Masters Courses selected: wide variety of disciplines, strongest participation D, FR, UK, ES, IT 3140 third-country students already in Europe: 40% Asia, 26% Americas, 16% Europe, 17% Africa, 1% Australia 342 third-country scholars about to arrive 3September 2005: 900 students and 140 scholars to receive scholarship ERASMUS MUNDUS

22 Engineering & Technology… 11 Natural Sciences……………. 7 Geography & Geology……... 6 Humanities…………………. 5 Maths & Informatics………. 5 Communic. & Information… 4 ERASMUS MUNDUS Selected courses per DISCIPLINE

23 Agric. & Forestry…………………3 Social Sciences…………………… 3 Education & Teacher Training…. 2 Languages & Philology………..… 2 Law……………………………..… 2 Medical Sciences…........................ 2 Multidisciplinary………………… 1 Business & Management…………1 Architecture & Urbanism.……… 0 Art & Design…………………….. 0 ERASMUS MUNDUS Selected courses per DISCIPLINE

24 GERMANY 21 [7 (5+2) + 14 (8+6)] FRANCE19 [6 (3+3) + 13 (10+3)] UK 19 [2 (0+2) + 17 (8+9)] SPAIN14 [2 (2+0) + 12 (7+5)] ITALY14 [4 (3+1) + 10 (7+3)] NETHERLANDS 14 [3 (1+2) + 11 (6+5)] Portugal11 [2 (2+0) + 9 (5+4)] SWEDEN 9 [3 (0+3) + 6 (3+3)] BELGIUM 7 [4 (1+3) + 3 (3+0)] ERASMUS MUNDUS Selected courses per COUNTRY TOT [tot coord (1+2) tot partn (1+2)]

25 DENMARK 5 [1 (0+1) + 4 (4+0)] NORWAY 5 [1 (1+0) + 4 (2+2)] AUSTRIA 5[0 (0+0) + 5 (3+2)] FINLAND 4[1 (1+0) + 3 (2+1)] IRELAND 4 [0 (0+0) + 4 (2+2)] GREECE 4[0 (0+0) + 4 (1+3)] CZECH REP3 [0 (0+0) + 3 (0+3)] HUNGARY 3[0 (0+0) + 3 (1+2)] POLAND 2[0 (0+0) + 2 (0+2)] SLOVAKIA1 [0 (0+0) + 1 (1+0)] CYPRUS, ESTONIA, LUXEMBURG, LATVIA, LITHUANIA, MALTA, SLOVENIA ICELAND, LIECHTENST.............................................….. 0 ERASMUS MUNDUS Selected courses per COUNTRY TOT [tot coord (1+2) tot partn (1+2)]

26 ERASMUS MUNDUS MASTERS COURSES Country Participation 2004-2005 + 2005-2006 All Applicants

27 Country Applications (Coordinators) Applications (Partners) TOTAL Selected Courses Success rate = Applications / Selected courses France49131180 1910.5% Spain28145173 148% Italy4996145 149.6% Germany2885113 2118.5% UK257196 1919.7% Portugal124759 1118.6% Netherlands134457 1424.5% Belgium203757 712.2% Sweden93948 918.7% Poland44145 24.4%

28 Country Applications (Coordinators) Applications (Partners) TOTAL Selected Courses Success rate =Applications/ Selected Ireland25 416% Hungary22325 312% Denmark61824 520.8% Czech Rep.11920 315% Greece21719 421% Finland31619 421% Norway61517 529.4% Lithuania51015 00% Austria21113 538.4%

29 Country Applications (Coordinators) Applications (Partners) TOTAL Selected Courses Success rate =Applications/ Selected Latvia2810 00% Slovenia99 00% Malta167 00% Estonia77 00% Slovakia33 133.3% Luxemburg11 00% Cyprus0 00% Iceland0 00% Lichtenstein0 00%

30 THIRD-COUNTRY STUDENTS ORIGIN (1) COUNTRYN° STUDENTSMALEFEMALEN°RECEIVING CONSORTIA 1China12488 2Brazil11746 3Russia10556 4Indonesia9548 5Argentina5144 6India5414 7Mexico4224 8Pakistan44/3 9Ukraine4223 10Venezuela4134 11Bangladesh33/3 12Belarus3212 13Ethiopia3213 14Kenya3212 15Korea3/31 16USA3212 17Vietnam3213

31 COUNTRYN° STUDENTSMALEFEMALEN°RECEIVING CONSORTIA 18Albania2/22 19Algeria22/2 20Australia2/22 21Canada2/22 22Colombia2112 23Ghana22/2 24Israel2/21 25Japan2/22 26Jordan22/2 27Morocco22/2 28Nepal22/2 29Nigeria22/2 30Peru2/22 31Philippines2112 32Sri Lanka2/21 THIRD-COUNTRY STUDENTS ORIGIN (2)

32 COUNTRYN° STUDENTS MALEFEMALEN°RECEIVING CONSORTIA 33Burkina Faso11/1 34Cameroun11/1 35Chili11/1 36Cote d’Ivoire1/11 37Ecuador11/1 38Georgia1/11 39Iran11/1 40Lybia11/1 41Nicaragua11/1 42Senegal1/11 43Serbia & Montenegro11/1 44Singapore1/11 45South-Africa11/1 46Taiwan11/1 47Tajikistan1/11 48Tchad11/1 49Thailand1/11 50United Arab Emirates1/11 51Zambia11/1 TOTAL13876 (55%) 62 (45%) / THIRD-COUNTRY STUDENTS ORIGIN (3)

33 2nd call 2005-2006: 31 March 2005 = Deadline Action 2 (Scholarships) and Action 3 (Partnerships) 3rd call 2006-2007: 31 May 2005 = Deadline Action 1 (EMMC) and 4 (Enhancing attractiveness) 31 October 2005 = Deadline Action 3 (Partnerships) 28 February 2006 = Deadline Action 2 (Scholarships) ERASMUS MUNDUS Next deadlines

34 Further information programmes/mundus/index_en.html ERASMUS MUNDUS

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