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Prilled Urea- A Cost Effective Way to Feed the World Sule Alabi Jonathan Arana Elizabeth Moscoso Oleg Yazvin Mentor: Dan Rusinak – Middough Team Echo 110/30/2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Prilled Urea- A Cost Effective Way to Feed the World Sule Alabi Jonathan Arana Elizabeth Moscoso Oleg Yazvin Mentor: Dan Rusinak – Middough Team Echo 110/30/2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prilled Urea- A Cost Effective Way to Feed the World Sule Alabi Jonathan Arana Elizabeth Moscoso Oleg Yazvin Mentor: Dan Rusinak – Middough Team Echo 110/30/2015

2 Table of Contents Purpose BFD Overview of Urea Plant Process Description Sinks & Loads Sizing and Costing Conclusion Q & A 2

3 Purpose: ◦ Convert shale gas into a nitrogen-based fertilizer Plant Location: ◦ Williston Basin Reason for Location: ◦ Bakken Shale Gas Formation 3

4 Urea- Solution & Prill Urea has a high nitrogen content (47%) Liquid Urea (72.0wt%) - Urea Ammonium Nitrate (UAN 32) Prilled Urea (99.8wt%)- Controlled release fertilizer Overall Reaction: ◦ Overall Exothermic: -120 BTU/mol 4

5 Cooling Water from CHP Plant Prilled Urea (99.8%) Product BFD of Urea & Prill Plant Air Out Urea Solution (72%) Condensate Water with NH3, CO2 & Impurities Solid Urea (99.8%) Output NH3 Purge & Urea Solution To Amm. Nitrate & UAN Plants Urea Production Plant Waste Water Treatment Plant Evaporator Unit Inlet NH3 & CO2 from NH3 Plant CO2 & NH3 Recycled Gas Air In Prilling Tower 5

6 Cooling Water from CHP Plant Prilled Urea (99.8%) Product BFD of Urea & Prill Plant Air Out Urea Solution (72%) Condensate Water with NH3, CO2 & Impurities Solid Urea (99.8%) Output NH3 Purge & Urea Solution To Amm. Nitrate & UAN Plants Urea Production Plant Waste Water Treatment Plant Evaporator Unit Inlet NH3 & CO2 from NH3 Plant CO2 & NH3 Recycled Gas Air In Prilling Tower 6

7 Urea Production Plant Converts reactants into urea ◦ NH 3 and CO 2 from Nitrate Plant ◦ Produces 72 wt% Urea solution Main Components of Plant ◦ Reactor ◦ Stripper ◦ Decomposer ◦ Scrubber ◦ Absorber Overall Reaction: 7

8 Urea PFD 8

9 Urea Production Plant – Sinks & Loads UnitTypeEnergyUtilityAmount ReactorSink 1,376 MMBtu/day Cooling Water 1.042 MMGal/day StripperLoad 1,199 MMBtu/daySteam792 Tons/day DecomposerSink 1,098 MMBtu/day Cooling Water 0.975 MMGal/day ScrubberSink 984 MMBtu/day Cooling Water 0.829 MMGal/day CompressorLoad200 HPElectricity 3,576 KWH/day Energy Saver Sink Load 9

10 Urea Production Plant- Aspen Mass Balance ◦ No Convergence  Recycle streams ◦ Attempted Solution  Increased number of iterations- no change  Cut recycle streams- Mass Balance Converged Energy Balance ◦ No Values Given  No Ammonium Carbamate properties within Aspen data libraries ◦ Attempted Solutions  Free energy of formation  Heat of formation  Heat of dissolution in water ◦ Pending Solutions  Heat Capacity  Component with similar properties 10

11 Cooling Water from CHP Plant Prilled Urea (99.8%) Product BFD of Urea & Prill Plant Air Out Urea Solution (72%) Condensate Water with NH3, CO2 & Impurities Solid Urea (99.8%) Output NH3 Purge & Urea Solution To Amm. Nitrate & UAN Plants Urea Production Plant Waste Water Treatment Plant Evaporator Unit Inlet NH3 & CO2 from NH3 Plant CO2 & NH3 Recycled Gas Air In Prilling Tower 11

12 Evaporation Section Multiple-Effect Evaporation under Vacuum Incoming Urea Solution: ◦ 72% Urea, 28% Water Two evaporators required ◦ 1 st Evaporator:  72% to 94.6% Urea ◦ 2 nd Evaporator:  94.6% to 99.8% Urea 12

13 Evaporator PFD 13

14 Evaporator Process Temp and Pressure are the main operating parameters 14

15 Importance of Vacuum Pressure Minimization of Biuret (Poison) Lowering of Boiling Point for next evaporation stage Consequently, reduces steam load 15

16 Evaporator- Sinks & Loads UnitType Energy (MMBtu/day)UtilityAmount EvaporatorsLoad1,376Steam792 Tons/day CondenserSink1,299Cooling Water 1.042 MMGal/day Energy Saver Sink Load 16

17 Evaporator Aspen Simulation 17

18 Evaporator Equipment Costs & Sizing ParticularsEvap1Evap 2Condenser Heat Duty (BTU/hr) 1.7X 10^78.7 X 10^6 --- Area (sq. ft.) 718563 30 FluidUrea Solution Cooling Water Pressure510 mmHG Vacuum735 mmHG Vacuum--- Flow Rate (TPD)2,568 25,265 Temp In (F)22120293 Temp Out (F)202211107 Total Direct Cost ($) 102,00080,000 27,999 Equipment Cost ($) 173,000136,000 8,000 Total Utility Cost ($) 66,00052,000 6.46 MM Total Maintenance Cost ($) 50003800 3,000 Total ($) Operating Cost 1.1 MM860,000 1.2 MM 18

19 Cooling Water from CHP Plant Prilled Urea (99.8%) Product BFD of Urea & Prill Plant Air Out Urea Solution (72%) Condensate Water with NH3, CO2 & Impurities Solid Urea (99.8%) Output NH3 Purge & Urea Solution To Amm. Nitrate & UAN Plants Urea Production Plant Waste Water Treatment Plant Evaporator Unit Inlet NH3 & CO2 from NH3 Plant CO2 & NH3 Recycled Gas Air In Prilling Tower 19

20 Prill Section Converts Urea Melt into Prill Main Components ◦ Prill Tower ◦ Screen ◦ Cyclone ◦ Bag House ◦ Heater ◦ Dehumidifier 20

21 Prill PFD 21

22 Prill Sinks & Loads UnitType Energy (MMBtu/day)UtilityAmount HeaterLoad1,298Steam ~1 Tons/day Energy Saver Sink Load 22

23 Prill Section Cost and Sizing Research yielded a previously done mathematical simulation of prilling tower ◦ From simulation data, airflow and size for our prilling tower were obtained ◦ Cost for prilling tower will be approximated by a similar capacity storage tank Cyclone and bag house sizing in progress due to potential redesign of prilling tower 23

24 Potential Redesign of Prilling Tower Standard Oil Patent Filed in 1978 Uses co-current airstream and fluidized bed Benefits: ◦ Less dust emissions ◦ Smaller tower required 24

25 Cooling Water from CHP Plant Prilled Urea (99.8%) Product BFD of Urea & Prill Plant Air Out Urea Solution (72%) Condensate Water with NH3, CO2 & Impurities Solid Urea (99.8%) Output NH3 Purge & Urea Solution To Amm. Nitrate & UAN Plants Urea Production Plant Waste Water Treatment Plant Evaporator Unit Inlet NH3 & CO2 from NH3 Plant CO2 & NH3 Recycled Gas Air In Prilling Tower 25

26 Waste Water Treatment Plant For every ton of urea produced 0.3 tons of waste water is produced Co-Current thermal hydrolysis of urea with steam Main Components: ◦ 1 st Desorber ◦ Hydrolyzer ◦ 2 nd Desorber ◦ 2 HX Overall Reaction: Reverse of Urea Plant Overall Endothermic: +58 BTU/mol 26

27 Waste Water Treatment Plant Waste Water Content: ◦ 2- 9 wt% Ammonia ◦ 0.8- 6 wt% CO 2 ◦ 0.3-1.5 wt% Urea Simple discharge is a waste of resources and environmentally harmful Ammonia is hazardous, toxic, and volatile Urea promotes algae growth and hydrolyses slowly EPA Emission Requirements: 10 ppm 27

28 WWTP Process 28

29 WWTP Sinks & Loads UnitType Energy(BTU /HR)UtilityAmount CondenserSink34,538 Cooling Water5400Gal/day Heat ExchangerSink280,000 Cooling Water8100Gal/day HydrolyzerLoad-1.03*10^7Steam354TPD Energy Saver Sink Load Sink Load 29

30 WWTP Aspen Simulation 30

31 WWTP Equipment Sizing Unit Total Direct Cost ($) Equipment Cost ($)Area (sq. Ft.) Heat Duty (BTU/hr) Condenser43,3008000734,538 Heat Exchanger 155,900940047280,000 Heat Exchanger 254,200940043183,000 Hydrolyzer260,10081200----1.03 X 10 ^7 Desorber 112280035100---.0012 Desorber 29820015300---0 31

32 WWTP Equipment Costs Total Project Capital Cost 2.25 Million Total Operating Cost 1.2 Million Total Utilities Cost $42,000/yr 32

33 Daily Economics 33 Materials Cost (Money We Spend)AmountOverall Cost NH3$521.00Per Ton891.07Tons Per Day$464,000Per Day CO2$15.00Per Ton1153Tons Per Day$17,300Per Day Product Price (Money We Get) Overall Price Urea to UAN$230.00Per Ton836Tons Per Day$159,700Per Day Prilled$570.50Per Ton793Tons Per Day$422,000Per Day Profit:$100,000Per Day Profit:$37 MillionPer Year

34 Conclusion 34 Total Plant Cost: $400 Million Produce 793 TPD of Prilled Product Produce 836 TPD of Urea melt for UAN Plant Numerous Instances of Efficient Energy Usages. Aspen Simulation: Great Start

35 Thank you Questions? 35

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