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Baia Mare Local Action Plan Building Healthy Communities.

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Presentation on theme: "Baia Mare Local Action Plan Building Healthy Communities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Baia Mare Local Action Plan Building Healthy Communities

2 Sustainability Criteria Governance  The private sector, civil society, and citizens are animated to play an active role in shaping their immediate living environment and the city’s future (‘co- production’, not only participation)  Stakeholders and citizens’ awareness on global challenges in terms of sustainable development is enhanced (e.g sustainable production and consumption, cultural change in behaviour & ways of life, etc.)  A system of social reporting and evaluation of the development interventions, ensuring transparency and effectiveness of the public action, is set up and implemented  An on-going dialogue is taking place with the relevant administrative levels (county/district, region, country/nation, EU) to design cities’ policies and ensure coherence between the different policies  Partnerships with surrounding cities and rural areas are developed (metropolitan areas/city-regions/urban-rural partnerships)  Networking with other cities within the national context and across Europe is supported  The different sectoral plans and policies are well coordinated and ensure that investments will contribute to a balanced development  A constant training for the politicians and public managers on the territorial development strategies is encouraged  Financial sustainability for local finances (also considering the economic crisis) is encouraged, checking the presence of a fair balance between the public and private convenience of the operations (through the promotion of private investment, public/private partnerships...)  Urban planning and associated tools are optimised (urban sprawl is limited, areas for future transformation and city spatial development are reserved, regeneration of the existing city, provision of land for public services and facilities…)

3 Sustainability Criteria Economic  A functional mixity is developed, ensuring an economic, social and cultural development of all neighbourhoods  Economy of proximity and maintenance of a local network of small and medium businesses within the urban centres are promoted (encourage SME creation, distribution, creative industry, ethnic industry etc.)  Investment and innovation in technologies (eco-tech, IT…), green business and employment are promoted.  The creation and development of research centres, excellence universities and training systems are promoted and market-oriented/ focused on employment opportunities  The link between universities, enterprises and cities is encouraged – such as clusters  Coordination between the urban structure, mobility and transport patterns is optimised  The attractiveness of the city is maintained and developed especially in terms of demographic and business aspects (attract and hold people and enterprises )

4 Sustainability Criteria Environmental  Quality public spaces (not only the green ones) are developed to answer the needs of different groups (children, elderly, etc.) and welcome varied activities (markets, events, etc.)  The reduction of car use, the development of alternatives transport modes and sharing streets are promoted (incl. areas reserved to non- polluting and/or public modes of transport, areas reserved for bikes and pedestrians, traffic-calming techniques)  The use of renewables and clean energy sources is fostered  Energy efficiency of transport, new and existing buildings and infrastructure is being improved  Buildings using materials and technologies with minimum environmental impact, privileging architectural quality, and a sound relation with landscape, are fostered  Buildings, facilities and services are well prepared against disasters – both natural and man-made (monitoring of risks, structural fitting, improvement of infrastructure…).  An efficient and water-saving oriented network for water supply and disposal is set up  Optimal and restrained use of natural resources including a system for the collection and disposal of urban waste is developed  The biodiversity and ecosystems are preserved, maintained and developed  Air, light and noise pollution are minimised

5 Sustainability Criteria Social & Cultural  The social, economic and urban gaps within the areas of the city are reduced, notably in direction of the most deprived neighbourhoods  An easy access (in terms of distance and affordability) for everyone to quality public & private services is ensured, with particular reference to deprived people  The social integration of every inhabitant of the city - in particular immigrants, old, young, child, disabled people, ethnic minorities - is facilitated, notably by avoiding the social polarisation of these categories in specific neighbourhoods  Sufficient range, diversity, affordability and accessibility of housing is provided for everyone in every places, notably in deprived areas  Life-long learning, education and training policies are promoted in the local community and particularly in deprived neighbourhood  Public tranquillity and security within the city as a whole are ensured  Integrated health policies are developed in order to reduce the external factors influencing citizens' health (air quality inside and outside buildings, balanced diet, etc.) and promote accessibility to quality services  The identity values - tangible and intangible - of the city and its inhabitants are preserved and fostered (traditions and historical, cultural, architectural & natural heritage)  Intercultural mediation and a wide solidarity - also international - are promoted

6 Contact details: BAIA MARE CITY HALL STRATEGY DEPARTMENT Presented by DAN CARPOV Created by DORIN MICLAUS +40-730-017933

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