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Beam Dump Upgrade Planning Keith Welch 2/5/13. Drivers for Upgrade Historical Problems – Hardware failures Helium system Windows, diffusers Dehumidifiers.

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Presentation on theme: "Beam Dump Upgrade Planning Keith Welch 2/5/13. Drivers for Upgrade Historical Problems – Hardware failures Helium system Windows, diffusers Dehumidifiers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beam Dump Upgrade Planning Keith Welch 2/5/13

2 Drivers for Upgrade Historical Problems – Hardware failures Helium system Windows, diffusers Dehumidifiers Ion chambers – Uncertainties in beam transport – Vulnerable hardware in “zone of death” – ALARA – 1/3 of all dose collected since 2009 involved dump work (> 3 person-rem) Goals for Upgrade – Ensure dumps are ready for operations in 12 GeV era – Simplify maintenance – Reduce downtime – Provide robust dump protection and diagnostics – Reduce operational cost and dose

3 Dump Upgrade Scope Upgrade beam transport hardware – Replace helium tubes and upgrade helium blanket system – Semi-static, pressure demand helium system – Vacuum-to-helium interface modification Upgrade dump protection hardware – Be diffusers redesigned for 12 GeV – looking at possible passive cooling – Ion chambers – CERN design, retrievable – Beam position monitor to replace “burnthrough detector” Replace dump cave air treatment systems with dry nitrogen inerting systems – N 2 generator(s) – Improved atmospheric isolation (wall integrity) Upgrade beam transport diagnostics – Viewer system with tune and CW operation capability – Upgrade camera mechanical mounting and shielding package – Ion chamber test apparatus

4 Dump Upgrade Scope Other scope – Evaluate shielding in isolation wall – Install “trolley” system for insertion of inspection/measurement equipment into caves – Replace dump entrance windows – Inspect dump internals – Test and reconfigure (if necessary) H 2 sensors

5 Conceptual Design Overview Tunnel dehumidification system eliminated Hall A ion chamber test rig standardized Radiation hard ion chambers, cables, position monitor Viewers for pulsed and CW beam Replace burnthrough monitor with position monitor Upgrade diffuser Move isolation wall, ion chamber test plate Extend vacuum pipe, add diagnostics Replace dump window N2 purge Upgraded ion chambers Replace helium line, upgrade supply system

6 Status Engineering underway – Diffuser modeling – Helium line design – Position monitor – New ion chamber evaluation Scheduling – Strawman schedule – Input from most resource providers Initial visual inspection of tunnel completed

7 Dump Upgrade Timeline (preliminary guess) Hall A is the critical path First beam is scheduled mid-March, 2014 - How much of the installation can/must be complete by then? - More runs to Hall A scheduled later in 2014 (August, December?) Hall A Milestones (assuming no hall work until late March ‘14) TaskUpgrade done by July ‘14 Design/Engineering complete9/13 Major hardware procurements10/13 Hardware onsite1/14 Beam pipe tearout3/14 Dump inspection/test4/14 He/vac pipe install4/14 Tunnel atmospheric controls, helium system, etc.5/14 Diagnostics, monitoring hardware, etc.6/14







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