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Age of Revolutions.

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Presentation on theme: "Age of Revolutions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Age of Revolutions

2 1 Matching / Identification Chart/Table/Graph
Which statement best completes this diagram? F Promotes Religious Tolerance G Encourages Socialism H Strengthens Parliamentary Authority J Supports Westernization

3 Matching / Identification
2 Matching / Identification Maps Which region was protected from outside influence by the Monroe Doctrine? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

4 3 Cause & Effect

5 4 Cause & Effect

6 Matching / Identification
5 Matching / Identification

7 Matching / Identification
6 Matching / Identification Roman Numeral

8 Matching / Identification
7 Matching / Identification

9 Matching / Identification
8 Matching / Identification

10 Matching / Identification
9 Matching / Identification

11 Matching / Identification
10 Visual

12 Matching / Identification
11 Matching / Identification

13 12 Sequence of Events/Chronology

14 13 Visual- Headline Matching / Identification

15 Matching / Identification
14 Matching / Identification

16 Impact/Significance/Purpose
15 Impact/Significance/Purpose Visual This person is important because he- A convinced the Papal States to support independence for Italy B developed the Italian fascism adopted after World War I C conquered southern Italy to unite it with northern Italy D commanded the Italian forces during World War I

17 16 Impact/Significance/Purpose

18 17 Matching / Identification Cause & Effect

19 18 Visual Matching / Identification
How is the missing class of people best described? F Immigrants to South America G People of European heritage born in South America H Immigrants from North America l People of European heritage born in Africa

20 Matching / Identification
19 Visual Matching / Identification Which phrase best completes this list? A Religious uniformity B Business regulation C Technological advances D Military alliances

21 20 Compare/Contrast

22 Matching / Identification
21 Matching / Identification Visual- Timeline

23 Answers: Age of Revolutions
J A H 1 3 2 4 1 2 3 4 C A B G

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