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Organization and Leadership. Tonight's Objectives 1. Short overview of how organizations are structured 2. Leadership vs Management 3. Leaders' To-Do.

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Presentation on theme: "Organization and Leadership. Tonight's Objectives 1. Short overview of how organizations are structured 2. Leadership vs Management 3. Leaders' To-Do."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organization and Leadership

2 Tonight's Objectives 1. Short overview of how organizations are structured 2. Leadership vs Management 3. Leaders' To-Do Lists

3 Dan Pink: The Puzzle of Motivation 1.What does this talk have to do with Software Project Management? 2.How much faster did participants who were offered financial incentives solve the original candle problem? 3.For what types of tasks do financial incentives and awards work best? 4.What are the speaker's three elements of a new operating system for business?

4 Organization Structures Functional - “Traditional” Example the marketing department, the quality assurance group, the security group, etc. Advantages Clearly defined authority No duplication Disadvantages No lateral connections Specialized tasks don’t fit in

5 Organization Structures Matrix Organization Advantages Integration across lines Disadvantages Troops report to two generals

6 Organization Structures Divisional Example = General Motors Allows specialization, but tasks are duplicated. Project-Based Centered on individual projects and project managers good for construction and graphic design bad for banks

7 Question What style of Organization would probably be best for the following sizes of IT companies? Why? Small Shop ( < 40 people) Medium ( ≈ 200 ) Ginormous (e.g. Microsoft) Traditional Functional Matrix Divisional Project Based

8 Question to get you Thinking Two or Three words to describe an Effective Leader? Two or Three words to describe an Effective Leader?

9 Management vs Leadership Manager – Do things Right Leader – Do the Right Thing

10 Management vs Leadership Management is derived by title Most managers rose because of technical skills, not people skills People are required to do the work specified by the manager Leadership draws extra effort without obligation

11 A manager is focused on dealing with today's problems and issues. A leader is focused on the future. "I spend my time working on what is not here. What is here right now will be taken care of by our management processes. What I am concerned with is what we will need in the future to maintain and improve our quality." paraphrase of President Tony DiGiorgio CBA Leadership Series, Oct 22, 2009 Management vs Leadership

12 Command and Control example: General Patton in WWII Pushing provides support and encouragement good at slow evolutionary changes put interests of others above your own Pulling don't sit in a glass office, get out and talk to people requires: virtue, honesty, and courage example: Chamberlain at Gettysburg adapted from Jim Olsen's CBA Leadership Series talk, Nov 19, 2009 Styles of Leadership

13 given 120 soldiers who had mutinied from another Maine regiment to add to his Maine regiment he had 3 options 1.shoot them 2.take them into battle under guard 3.take their shackles off and hand them guns he promised to listen to their grievances later, no time for that now, Lee's entire army will be here soon explained why the war was important used emotion gave them food, got on his horse, and started riding down the road toward the battlefield they defended Little Round Top he was awarded the Medal of Honor Joshua Chamberlain

14 How much Leadership? TeamLeader Unwilling & Unablestrong direction Unwilling & Ablesoft direction, sensitive to feelings Willing & Unableconcern for feelings, help do tasks Willing & Ablestand back and get out of their way

15 Manager’s ToDo List Gain visibility without micromanagement Review process and products, not people Coordinate, don’t manipulate Use your knowledge, not your power Focus on project’s needs and people’s needs, not your power

16 Leader’s ToDo List Be confident in yourself and team. Be fallible. Lead by example. Utilize team member’s talents. Don't do it all yourself. Complete commitments on time. Don't confuse friendship with leadership. Software Project Management by J Henry Section 1.4

17 Leader’s ToDo List Allow staff to make decisions Place workers physically together Limit the number of projects assigned to a person Never impose phony deadlines Allow teams to jell, don’t mix them up frequently Create ritual (e.g. team meetings)

18 Next Class Breaking the Project into Bite Sizes Statement of Work Work Breakdown Structure Identifying Activities

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