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Created for Mrs. Stanfield’s class. What is copyright? Copyright protects the creations of an original artist, musician, or author Copyright provides.

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Presentation on theme: "Created for Mrs. Stanfield’s class. What is copyright? Copyright protects the creations of an original artist, musician, or author Copyright provides."— Presentation transcript:

1 Created for Mrs. Stanfield’s class

2 What is copyright? Copyright protects the creations of an original artist, musician, or author Copyright provides exclusive rights to the owner to reproduce, change, distribute, perform, or display the work It can be tracked to the original source If there is more than one author, then the owners share the rights

3 Big Moments in History Before 15 th century, there were no laws since everything was handwritten After the printing press was invented, new laws were put into place to protect the authors Beginning in the 1700’s, written works (books) were protected In 1790, the first copyright bill was written into law in the U.S. Constitution by George Washington Many revisions have taken place to include other original works

4 What can be copyrighted? Books, maps, and charts Musical compositions Dramatic works, such as plays and scripts Photos and negatives Works of art Motion pictures (movies) Poetry, novels, textbooks Sound recordings Computer software Architectural works Internet service providers (ISPs)

5 How long does a copyright last? Since January 1978, an original work is copyrighted for the life of the author, plus 70 years after death. After that, it becomes public domain for others to use.

6 Fair Use Fair Use means that students and teachers are allowed to use material for educational purposes as long as the work is cited This is why it is important to remember to give credit to where the information was found If copyrighted works are not given credit, then it is the same as stealing and then lying about it afterward

7 Plagiarism turning in someone else's work as your own copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit failing to put a quotation in quotation marks giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit

8 Who does it hurt? The owner of the original work The person or company who produces or prints it The person or company who sells it All of these people make money from the work, and if it is copied for free, they lose money.

9 What happens… if copyright laws are broken? The police can charge a person with a misdemeanor which goes on your permanent record A person could have to pay a fine ranging from $200 to $300,000 A person could be sentenced to community service A person could serve jail time A person could be banned from internet use All of the above could happen

10 Works Cited arism.html arism.html someone-breaks-copyright-law.html someone-breaks-copyright-law.html

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