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South African Water Sector experience through the Sector Wide Approach (SWAP) Ms. Lebogang Moche Dept. of Water Affairs & Forestry.

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Presentation on theme: "South African Water Sector experience through the Sector Wide Approach (SWAP) Ms. Lebogang Moche Dept. of Water Affairs & Forestry."— Presentation transcript:

1 South African Water Sector experience through the Sector Wide Approach (SWAP) Ms. Lebogang Moche Dept. of Water Affairs & Forestry

2 Contents: 1. Purpose and background 2. DWAF’s Strategic context 3. S. African WS experience: SWAP 4. Wayforward 5. Conclusion

3 1. Purpose and background: To present an overview of DWAF’s experience of a Sector Wide Approach (SWAP) in accelerating the delivery of MDG’s in SA and in SADC Key Strategic legislation: - SADC Declaration (1992) - RSAP for IWRM (1998) - RISDP (2003 blue- print) and S Africa WS Initiative(2005)

4 2. DWAF’s Strategic Context: GPOA/ AsGISA: economic growth of the country- investing in water infrastructure, nationally and regionally DWAF’s mandate- aligned to MDG Goal 01(water as a valuable resource in poverty eradication & hunger): DRC with the history of war.

5 2. Cont… DWAF’S Strategic Plan (2007-2010)- support initiatives to achieve MDG’s within the SADC and NEPAD Strategic Framework. Sector departments- responsibility to contribute to the development and reconstruction of newly democratized countries in Africa (DRC).

6 3. SWAP experience: What is SWAP?- a way of working together btwn government and its sector partners initiated in 2001 to deliver on the mandate of DWAF as a sector leader. Aims- (i) appropriate resources allocation, (ii) ensure stakeholder participation, (iii) harmonize donor assistance vs government priorities, (iv) comprehensive programme management & (v) appropriate M,E&R

7 How did MSB come about? RDP Gearing-up Programme Man Project Man 1994199620012004 CWSS MSB II SWAP Focus Project to Prog: Focus Multi-Sectoral Focus 2007 MSB III W4GD

8 SWAP Cont… CWSS- prior to 1994 when DWAF was still providing services directly MSB I (2001- 2004)- 1 ST phase, the first phase of the programme. The primary objective- service provision to the public MSB II (2004- 2007)- 2 nd phase, collaboration and partnering was seen as key to appropriate planning MSB III (2007- 2012)- 3 rd phase & current phase, Water is key for economic growth & development

9 4. SWAP’s achievements: Transfers process Strengthening sector collaboration and partnership Ensuring institutional support Programmatic approach for effective resource management, and sector partners taking ownership

10 5. Challenges: Doing away with working in silos Coherent planning and programme prioritization Partners becoming accountable- not in direct control Est. coherent collaborative processes Continuously changing govt. plans

11 6. Wayforward: DWAF has secured R22M for the project Is in the process of sourcing more funds- SADC W/D. Planned to apply the SWAP model- showcasing in the region Welcomes & appreciates all participating stakeholders in this project.

12 7. Conclusion: challenges facing MDG’s delivery in the region, the application of SWAP seem key in chasing time, saving resources & avoiding unsustainable systems: -Resources compliment each other -Relevant stakeholders participates effectively -Cooperation is prompted & strengthened -Institutional capacity is built -Lesson learning and sharing to ensure & maintain good performance & a unified expenditure framework in govt.

13 Conclusion cont… ‘MDG’s targets are still achievable, if we act now’ UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon. Masibambane/ SWAP has won the 2008 All Africa Public Service Innovation Awards Thank you!

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