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Graphic Overview Treaty Framework International Organizational Structure Domestic Constituencies States Party.

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Presentation on theme: "Graphic Overview Treaty Framework International Organizational Structure Domestic Constituencies States Party."— Presentation transcript:

1 Graphic Overview Treaty Framework International Organizational Structure Domestic Constituencies States Party

2 Graphic Overview Treaty Framework International Organizational Structure Domestic Constituencies States Party

3 Graphic Overview Treaty Framework International Organizational Structure Domestic Constituencies States Party

4 1961/72 Single Convention (opioids, coca, cannabis) 1971 Psychotropic Convention (stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens) 1988 Anti-Trafficking Treaty (precursors) Treaty Framework

5 1961/72 Single Convention (opioids, coca, cannabis) 1971 Psychotropic Convention (stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens) 1988 Anti-Trafficking Treaty The Drug Triangle Treaty Framework

6 o opioids, coca, cannabis (1961/1972 treaty) psychotropics (1971 treaty) tobacco (WHO Framework Convention) Drug Triangle alcohol, inhalants ? others ?

7 Graphic Overview Treaty Framework International Organizational Structure Domestic Constituencies Drug Triangle States Party Drug Triangle

8 Commission on Narcotic DrugsWorld Health Organization International Narcotics Control Board UNODC International Organizational Structure

9 Graphic Overview Treaty Framework International Organizational Structure Domestic Constituencies UNODC States Party

10 Graphic Overview Treaty Framework International Organizational Structure Domestic Constituencies States Party

11 Development DistributionInterest Groups Enforcement

12 States Party Development DistributionInterest Groups Enforcement

13 States Party Development DistributionInterest Groups Enforcement

14 Graphic Overview Treaty Framework International Organizational Structure Domestic Constituencies States Party The Drug Triangle UNODC Enforcement Interest Groups Development Distribution Psychotropics Opioids Trafficking/Precursors INCB WHO CND The Drug Triangle ?

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