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WebCT and E-Community to Manage your Large Course Jay Brophy, Psychology Steve Lytle, Health Services Administration.

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Presentation on theme: "WebCT and E-Community to Manage your Large Course Jay Brophy, Psychology Steve Lytle, Health Services Administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 WebCT and E-Community to Manage your Large Course Jay Brophy, Psychology Steve Lytle, Health Services Administration

2 5 Things Build a Routine Don’t spook the herd Help, Help, Me Rhonda Select the tools that won’t bite you on the…. “To thine own self be true” : Assess your style Set the emotional tone

3 Four Issues in Large Class Environments Four Issues to consider –Instructor issues –Student Issues –The Environment of the Classroom –Technology Issues What can you do to manage these 4 items?

4 Where Does Learning Occur? What other things can you think of? Lectures Class discussion Homework problems Case studies Reading textbooks Library research Group projects Individual projects Faculty office hours Cramming the night before for the exam Reviewing the results of an exam Follow-up materials that reinforces Chapter questions/terms Faculty/student interaction Student/student interaction

5 What in the World is E-Community? The old ‘Student List’ Integrated email communications Students are responsible for keeping their email and other information current Pictures Connections to other UCF applications

6 Getting things going Organization and Communication are very important. If you have problems, look at how you do these two things Inform your students what they are supposed to learn and how they should go about learning it. If you do a poor job of communicating… 300 students and 10% send you an email every day, what’s going to happen?

7 Weekly Routine Monday—News from ARHS Tuesday—Content via email Wednesday—Our ‘due’ day Thursday — Content via email Friday — We post grades

8 Look at the WebCT tools and pick just a few Syllabus Gradebook Calendar Quizzes Discussions Class Mail Dropbox Glossary

9 Available Tools Email Forums Chat Video tape Radio Projects Interaction Course content Group projects Quizzes/Surveys Assignments WebCT calendar Real guests CD-ROM Scavenger hunts Virtual guests Streaming audio/video Live Video conferencing Course materials online

10 Standard operating procedures Be systematic Develop a routine –Start/middle/finish Teach students procedures Don’t spook the herd, keep things the same Allow the students to trust you Make things familiar to the student

11 “Do the steps that you have been shown until they become your very own.” Jackson Browne

12 17 Tips for Large Classes m

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