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The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome …

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1 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome …

2 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Paul’s Letter To The Church In Rome Rom 1:17 The Just Shall Live By Faith

3 Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Outline  Introduction 1:1-17  Indictment of & remedy for sin 1:18 – 5:21  Anticipated questions re: justification by grace through faith 6:1 – 11:36 Lesson 1 – General Introduction

4 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21  Comparing Adam & Christ 5:12-19  Paul discusses how sin got into the world  He shows how the first man’s rebellious actions have affected all mankind  He also shows how The Man’s redemptive sacrifice have also affected all mankind  The points of contrast are several

5 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21  Comparing Adam & Christ 5:12-19  This has become a “favorite playground” for the Calvinist  He thinks it offers proof texts for his belief  Unless the Bible student is careful, he can be led toward incorrect conclusions  The text actually refutes Calvinistic error

6 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21  Comparing Adam & Christ 5:12-19  The passage speaks “abstractly” (in theory)  “The sin” v. 12 [Adam’s 1 act]  “The free gift” v. 15 [Christ’s 1 act]  The point is to show the power of sin… and to show the greater power of God’s plan to redeem man in sin

7 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21  Comparing Adam & Christ 5:12-19  One man brought sin into the world v. 12a  Referencing Adam’s rebellion Gen 3  As a result, death spread through sin  Death spread to all men because all sin v. 12b 3:9, 23 If Calvinism, it would say “…death spread through Adam”

8 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21  Comparing Adam & Christ 5:12-19  One man brought sin into the world v. 12a  It is Adam’s fault sin is in the world  It is not Adam’s fault I’m in sin…it is mine  Until law came, sin was in the world v. 13a  A point already proven by Paul 2:12, 14

9 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21  Comparing Adam & Christ 5:12-19  Yet, sin not imputed when no law v. 13b  Specifically is Paul’s point Rom 7:7  Nevertheless, “death reigned from Adam to Moses…” v. 14a  Man was indeed accountable to God, even before the Law of Moses began

10 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21  Comparing Adam & Christ 5:12-19  Nevertheless, “death reigned from Adam to Moses…” v. 14a  Sin can be not in the likeness of Adam’s  Adam violated a precept (command)  Sin is also not doing something Jas 4:17

11 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21  Comparing Adam & Christ 5:12-19  Adam = “…a type of Him who was to come” v. 14b  Adam introduced something that has impacted all humanity  Christ introduced something that has impacted all humanity

12 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21  Comparing Adam & Christ 5:12-19  A proper understanding is “death” is needed  It is either physical or spiritual  Does physical death always come because of sin?  Does spiritual death always come because of sin? Gen 2:16-17 Eph 2:1, 5

13 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21  Comparing Adam & Christ 5:12-19  A proper understanding is “death” is needed  Whatever interpretation we assign “death” must also be assigned to “life”  Context compares “death” to “life”  Christ didn’t come to give man physical life

14 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome AdamChrist  Actions brought spiritual death v. 15  Actions brought condemnation v. 16  Actions brought spiritual life v. 15  Actions brought justification v. 16 Comparing Adam & Christ Rom 5:15-19

15 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome AdamChrist Comparing Adam & Christ Rom 5:15-19  Death reigned through his act of transgression v. 17  An act of transgression v. 18 (condemnation)  Life reigned through His gift of righteousness v. 17  An act of righteousness v. 18 (justification)

16 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome AdamChrist Comparing Adam & Christ Rom 5:15-19  Disobedience made possible many becoming sinners v. 19 –because all can do what he did… sin (3:23; 5:12)  Obedience made possible many becoming righteous v. 19 –because all can obey Him and be saved (Heb. 5:9)

17 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21  Conclusion To Doctrinal Section 5:20-21  Law came “…that transgression might increase” v. 20a  Make sin apparent Rom 7:13 Gal 3:19  God’s answer to man’s sin problem has always been more powerful than sin itself v. 20b 1:16 1 Jn 4:1-4

18 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21  Conclusion To Doctrinal Section 5:20-21  Sin is powerful…death reigns in sin v. 21a 1 Cor 15:51-56 Heb 2:14-15  But God’s grace “…abounds even more” v. 21b1 Cor 15:57

19 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome Justification By Faith 3:24 – 5:21  Conclusion To Doctrinal Section 5:20-21  These 2 concluding verses also serve as the “bridge” to the next section 6:1 – 11:36  Specifically, they introduce the 1st question Paul anticipates 6:1-14 “Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?”

20 The Just Shall Live By Faith Studying Paul’s Letter To Rome …

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