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Presented by: Terra Van Zant, CPA Tax Incentives for Solar Property Improvements 2880 GATEWAY OAKS DRIVE, STE. 100 | SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 | (916)646-6464.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: Terra Van Zant, CPA Tax Incentives for Solar Property Improvements 2880 GATEWAY OAKS DRIVE, STE. 100 | SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 | (916)646-6464."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: Terra Van Zant, CPA Tax Incentives for Solar Property Improvements 2880 GATEWAY OAKS DRIVE, STE. 100 | SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 | (916)646-6464 | GILBERTCPA.COM

2 Residential Energy Efficient Property Credit (REEP credit) 30% of the cost of eligible solar electric property Solar water heaters Fuel cell property Small wind energy property Geothermal heat property

3 Eligible Costs Solar electric property costs are eligible for the credit if they meet the following criteria: For a dwelling unit within the U.S. For a property that uses solar energy to generate electricity For a property that is the residence of the taxpayer

4 Eligible Costs Costs for equipment Labor costs from the onsite preparation, assembly and/ or original installation First and second homes qualify. No rentals

5 Solar Tax Credit Against tax liability less any other credits Not refundable Credit can be carried over to next year Credit extended through 12/31/2016

6 Business Credits/ Deductions Business Energy Credit Comparable to REEP credit 30% of costs for solar electric property on business property through 2016

7 Accelerated Depreciation Solar property depreciation under 5 years Qualifies for bonus of 50% of improvement until 12/31/2013 Business Credits/ Deductions

8 12/19/11 Terra Van Zant, CPA Gilbert Associates, Inc. 916.646.6464 tvanzant@gilbertcpa.comQuestions?

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