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First Aid: First Aid: Bone & Joint Injuries (oh yeah ;D) A Presentation By: Liliana Garcia &&Yalinne Garduno 8DD.

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Presentation on theme: "First Aid: First Aid: Bone & Joint Injuries (oh yeah ;D) A Presentation By: Liliana Garcia &&Yalinne Garduno 8DD."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Aid: First Aid: Bone & Joint Injuries (oh yeah ;D) A Presentation By: Liliana Garcia &&Yalinne Garduno 8DD

2 Step 1: Step 1: Determine How Severe The Damage Is (Wewt! 8D) DO NOT DO NOT touch the injury. Test the movement of the bone or joint. If it cannot be moved, it is mostly likely to be broken. If the person is unresponsive, isn't breathing or isn't moving. Begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if there's no respiration or heartbeat. There is heavy bleeding. Even gentle pressure or movement causes pain. The limb or joint appears deformed. The bone has pierced the skin. The extremity of the injured arm or leg, such as a toe or finger, is numb or bluish at the tip. You suspect a bone is broken in the neck, head or back. You suspect a bone is broken in the hip, pelvis or upper leg (for example, the leg and foot turn outward abnormally). Don't move the person except if necessary to avoid further injury. Bones are a very vital part of your body…

3 Types Of Fractures Types Of Fractures (We were too lazy to define them all.) xD Compound Fracture- The bone pierces out of the skin and muscle Simple Fracture- A clean break of a bone Transverse Fracture- A fracture in which the break is across the bone, at a right angle to the long axis of the bone. Spiral- A fracture, sometimes called a torsion fracture, in which a bone has been twisted apart.

4 Step 2: Step 2: Perform R.I.C.E If Broken (Severa put it in lmao! XD) Rest: Rest: Sit or lie down Immobilize: Immobilize: Put it in a brace or cast Cold: Cold: Apply ice or an ice pack Elevate: Elevate: Put it on a pillow, recliner, crutches, and away from the floor.

5 Step 3: Step 3: STOP ANY BLEEDING Apply pressure Apply pressure to the wound with a sterile bandage, a clean cloth or a clean piece of clothing. Read This C:

6 Step 4: Step 4: Treat for shock If the person feels faint or is breathing in short, rapid breaths, lay the person down with the head slightly lower than the trunk and, if possible, elevate the legs.


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